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    Nanto2girls could you explain to me what ironing is 😆
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Well you have a hot flat thing and when you glide it over your clothes, it gets creases out.Easy, once you get used to it.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Was supposed to have children yesterday but other thing came up so they all came today , the noise with them and DS, DD, SIL it was bedlam , sink full of dishes and cups, floor littered with Toys, cups of Apple juice spilt on floor ,The children all wanting to be heard at once, Baby shouting Nana want Pips (Chips) although they were going out for lunch at 2pm . By the time they went home and I put everything away and washed up I was worn out I actually got a pic of little ladys face today I have dozens of the back of her head she always turns away just as I snap , I have had a nana nap this afternoon to charge my energy up again
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Originally posted by Nanto2girls View Post
          Well you have a hot flat thing and when you glide it over your clothes, it gets creases out.Easy, once you get used to it.
          If you have a lady called Cheryl you text her and she comes to pick up a big bag of creasy things and brings them back all flat and folded and on hangers wrapped in plastic. I give her money, she gives me flat clothes. Perfect solution for all involved.
          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


            So last week was a nightmare of too many speeches and horrid boxy hotel rooms. This week: Monday in the office for about 6.15am, supervise moving of resources, I shall make sure the removers know what is what (it is all labelled) and go to the storage unit to wait for furniture to arrive and then crates. Husband will join me about 11am to help. Tuesday meeting at Kings Cross 11.30, meeting at Kings Cross 1.30, telepjone conference at home 4.30. Wednesday I am meeting the director of South Thames Television. I suspect he thinks I can get him "an in" at Battersea Power Station which I probably can but not until I have got something for my charities that is worth my while! thursday is admin day and meeting an old friend for lunch. Friday back in the storage shed or dungeon as it will be called henceforth.
            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


              Good Moaning! It is 3.15am and I have been driven from my bed by The Snorer. I have had chamomile tea, made various lists and fiddled about here for a while. Neither the dog nor the cat has moved from their beds. I shall now try to sleep again and try very hard not to be bad tempered tomorrow.
              Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
              Eleanor Roosevelt.


                Oma, don't you just love em.

                ZIZI, you are always so busy.

                Last edited by Nanto2girls; 02-03-2015, 06:11 AM.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Of to Drs at 9.30 wonky fingers are giving me trouble this getting older lark isn't funny is it , then off to browse shops see what catches my eye , I will come home empty handed no doubt, there never seems to be any nice clothes they all this washed out sludgy colours at the minute .
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Morning all staying in today its snowing like billy o the ground is white over hope it comes and goes quickly, poor Dd Oma its gone on sometime now you would have rthought by now if it was a strain she would be feeling better by now!Have a good day all
                    Last edited by Qwerty; 02-03-2015, 09:47 AM.


                      Originally posted by Avo View Post
                      Oh No! Disaster has struck Son got a call from the estate agent someone else has made an offer and that has been accepted so they have been gazumped! Now in a bidding war which is not good and the estate agent has now closed until Monday morning - so they are in for a very stressful weekend. thought it was too good to be true
                      Oh no


                        Originally posted by Oma View Post
                        Was supposed to have children yesterday but other thing came up so they all came today , the noise with them and DS, DD, SIL it was bedlam , sink full of dishes and cups, floor littered with Toys, cups of Apple juice spilt on floor ,The children all wanting to be heard at once, Baby shouting Nana want Pips (Chips) although they were going out for lunch at 2pm . By the time they went home and I put everything away and washed up I was worn out I actually got a pic of little ladys face today I have dozens of the back of her head she always turns away just as I snap , I have had a nana nap this afternoon to charge my energy up again
                        Sounds a wonderful day Oma


                          Originally posted by Oma View Post
                          Of to Drs at 9.30 wonky fingers are giving me trouble this getting older lark isn't funny is it , then off to browse shops see what catches my eye , I will come home empty handed no doubt, there never seems to be any nice clothes they all this washed out sludgy colours at the minute .
                          Hope all went well at the doctors.

                          I hate going round the shops for clothes.I'd much rather do it on the internet now.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Had a bit of a energy spurt so I have scrubbed the kitchen with in a inch of its life, I emptied every cupboard cleaned inside and out re arranged them all, threw lots of stuff out then decided to get on top to clean them , I was good today I got ladders out of shed I didn't stand on the work tops my god the grease up there the hose that feeds to outside I decided to take off and give a good clean opened it up and there was two very dead very thick with grease spiders yuk . trouble is I now cant get the hose back on as I have broken the clip that holds it together so I will have to go to B&Q buy another Brian said why are you doing all this it wont be any better next weekend when they do new work tops ,well im not having workmen thinking I have dirty cupboards when they take old ones off now am I
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Quite right Oma.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Well I was in the office at 6.20am, Stan "The man" who was helping me to move was there at the same time. Movers were supposed to be there early. 9.30 am no movers. Stan 'phoned them, they were lost. 10.10 they turned up. I went downstairs ten minutes later and saw the removal men sitting in building reception doing nothing. Went to see Stan who told me they had forgotten to bring their "skates" removal man talk for the little trucks they put under heavy items. I went to them and said I could get a large trolley from upstairs but they said they wouldn't be able to use it for health and safety reasons. I said to Stan that I would go and get it and we could start. I think seeing a woman pushing this hefty trolley with boxes on shamed them and they took over, I was still lifting boxes etc. and Stan said "you go off and do the paperwork at the unit, I don't want you lifting this lot, they can do it". So off I went, completed the formalities, met with the husband, Stan turned up. Where were the movers in the van? Goodness knows where they went but it took an hour to do a twenty minute journey. Finally everything was in, 30 boxes and 15 big industrial crates. All but four boxes unpacked. A couple of shelves with various bits on which need sorting which I will do on Friday morning. will I ever find anything again? Eventually - everything is labelled but having had it in the same place for three years it might be a task to find a few things! Friday will be labelling the cupboards and shelves and sorting through the miscellaneous stuff. Monday I am taking my friend and colleague for lunch, it will be my last day ever in that office and she is a person on whom I really have depended and I know I will need her help in the future. she is PA to three of the directors. My whole body aches now especially my feet but at least the stressful bit is over and the gear is safe (even though the movers lost a whole consignment of balsa wood). Is it too early for wine? Oh well just a little one.........
                                If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

