House update - their offer was accepted and they put their house back on the market (their original buyer pulled out last week) and sold it all within 5 hours!! Can you believe that. Such excitement. Fingers crossed it all goes through.
Afternoon all. Well I have worn myself out. Blitzed children's room (which I use as a dressing room come storage room when children are not staying over), hall and stairs, sitting room, kitchen and bathroom. I would quite like a glass of wine to congratulate myself but little people will be here in an hour. Husband will be home from work soon as well. Fish fingers for little ones with chips and peas or beans for tea and ham egg and chips for us unless I change my mind between now and then. The. They will have Ice cream and sprinkles as usual.
Looking forward to them staying over, it has been a little while. I suppose, thinking about it now, I should have left the blitzing until they have gone - Nope smilies deco do not work on HIpad so just imagine a roll eyes one!
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Well here we are, we have watched Scooby Doo, done homework (both of them), made cards for daddy's birthday tomorrow. We have just taken delivery of the sainsbury order (2 very excited children) and now they are in the kitchen with granddad making a cake for daddy's birthday. I took pictures on my HIpad but the camera will not let me put them on.
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Oh No! Disaster has struck Son got a call from the estate agent someone else has made an offer and that has been accepted so they have been gazumped! Now in a bidding war which is not good and the estate agent has now closed until Monday morning - so they are in for a very stressful weekend. thought it was too good to be true
Last edited by Avo; 28-02-2015, 05:36 PM.
Reason: typo!
Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
So sorry Avo My DD and OH just had their offer accepted last week, so I can imagine how we would all feel if this happened. I hope your DD and SIL find a house soon.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Awoke far too early this morning by the sound of the wind and rain beating down on the bedroom window and my cat trying to hide . (She hate the wind ) 💨💦
Oh No! Disaster has struck Son got a call from the estate agent someone else has made an offer and that has been accepted so they have been gazumped! Now in a bidding war which is not good and the estate agent has now closed until Monday morning - so they are in for a very stressful weekend. thought it was too good to be true
Sorry to hear this.Stressful weekend indeed.
Started off wet and windy this morning,but looks to be brightening up now.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Lovely night last night. Big birthday party for my ex husbands 60th and his new wife's 50th. Really fun party, combined with announcing their wedding which was last Thursday! Only a very small number of us knew about this and had to keep the secret They seem so happy!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Lovely day here! Changed the bed linen and will hang that out when the washing is finished - just love the smell of air dried laundry. Got all the family for Sunday Lunch except DIL (the midwife) she is working 7 am to 7pm today. Other half has gone to eldest Son's new house to do some more painting before they move in next Saturday ... we are in for a busy week ahead methinks. Spent yesterday afternoon on my knees scrubbing the oak floor of their living room as DIL is very pregnant and it would be too much for her. That was after a morning looking after little gs - needless to say we slept well! OOO our neighbour has just brought us 4 pigeons he shot in the wood opposite our house, that's tomorrows dinner sorted .
Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
Lovely night last night. Big birthday party for my ex husbands 60th and his new wife's 50th. Really fun party, combined with announcing their wedding which was last Thursday! Only a very small number of us knew about this and had to keep the secret They seem so happy!
Pleased a good time was had by all.
Stopped raining,so going to get washing out.Done a pile of ironing and dinner is prepared.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Lovely sunny day here. We are busy packing for our trip 'up north' : ). We are going to stay in York but will be visiting Leeds and Harrogate too. We haven't been to any oth theses places before so it will be very interesting for us. Planning for cold, wet and sunny - every eventuality covered
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss