Sunny here at the moment.Got a load of washing out.Hope you have a good day as well Oma.
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Aggie, I can't begin to imagine how difficult it must be for you. I admire you for just trying to cook. I think if I were in your situation we'd live on take-aways 😜"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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No boys today so only "cooking " so far is a bowl of cereal . I have a microwave and a table top oven in the living room , the hob hasn't been disconnected yet but I don't think I'll be doing any more pancakesJim is very confused still , but not as agitated , he is walking well but with supervision and a Zimmer so that helps his boredom
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Been shopping hubby been to chiropodist then he has blood checks at 2.30 missed the postman who brought a parcel so have to pick up tomorrow at sorting office , lucky for us its at bottom of our road , going to wipe frames and garden table down so much rain but sun out now then I have nothing else to do today but iron ☺Im not fat just 6ft too small
When we moved into this house we completely gutted the place (it was an old pub) our first Christmas I didn't have a kitchen, I used a baby belling tiny oven with 2 rings to cook the Christmas Dinner for 6 and had a sink in the utility room for washing up! We managed, and we laugh about it now. Had a good day to day with gs went to ds new house to fetch their dog as they haven't sorted a dog walker yet. Hubby changed the locks on their front door. Came home, walked the dogs, had lunch, played with gs now to take the dog back home and go to the pub for a well deserved glass of red and dinner!!
Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown