ZIZI a raw diet is the best you can give a dog, comnercial food is full of nastys. My boy had fresh sardines this morning and loved them, I wouldn't give my dog something I would never eat myself. Wolfs faired well in the past on raw food no kibble for them.
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Lovely photos Clover, and I hope your GS settles into the school OK.
Certainly been a day for visitors, friends of ours came this morning, then BIL called while hubby was picking GD up who announced she was staying for the night.
Then eldest son came after work,cos his daughter was here. Youngest son's partner came with her daughter.
Lost count of how many cups of tea and coffee I have made today.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Good morning.
Oma, I hope your headache soon passes. Drink plenty of water!
A free day here, OH off golfing. I have washing to do, mother to visit and upstairs to clean. I did downstairs yesterday morning!
I will probably cut the lawn too“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Another sunny day here, family back from dropping off my GD in Canada.
Sorry you have a headache Oma. Did your son come around with your GC?
You are making me feel guilty Gemini, pottering for me this morning and dentist this afternoonWhat is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Hope the headache has gone Oma.
Went to the butchers early this morning to stock up, all packed in the freezer.Later, online supermarket shopping came, and had lots of frozen veg.
Then, nextdoor neighbour gave me a load of rhubarb, washed,cut into pieces and packed in the freezer. Both of our freezers are now packed to the hilt.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Afternoon ladies it is very hot here, I have been to eldest DD's looking after the girls and helping out with some steam cleaning. There are still 1001 boxes to be unpacked, but this won't happen for a while yet. They have now received permission to go ahead and change all the windows, they must be sash again (listed building) but can be upvc instead of the wooden ones they have of which only half open anyway. Builder coming to finalise and give costs for all the work on the second floor, can you believe 4 bathrooms and only 1 is operable. But in 6 months the place will be unrecognisable, DD is keeping all the original doors cornices, picture rails, ceiling roses and fireplaces which are beautiful. I am just thankful it isn't me who will have to clean the whole house.Last edited by Libra Gran; 30-08-2016, 05:16 PM."What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."