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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Good morning everyone.

    Nan2 my OH cut the grass yesterday morning. It had got pretty long again. It looks good, but sad to see all the pretty daisies go .

    Lizzie are you taking any antihistamines? I hope you feel fully better soon . Happy Mother's Day!

    Oma, cards and presents yet unopened but I'm pretty sure I spotted yours, the day after you posted it She's looking through FB now.
    LOL I agree, we moan enough that a local gardener starts at 8 on a weekday morning. Sunday at 7 may require throttling

    A lovely day yesterday. OH was totally not expecting snacks and nibbles with 2 DDs and on GS in the garden. We chatted all afternoon.
    Lovely meal out in town in the evening .Then we with our 2 closest friends from that group went to hunt the aurora borialis we had all missed the previous night, despite our local FB page being flooded with photos. In fact I don't personally know anyone who did see them apart from DD and GS1. They didn't make an appearance last night sadly.
    We did have a nice drive into the country ( courtesy of G our designated driver for the night) we met some cows next to the fence of a field we parked by, and saw a young fox crossing a road. It was a fun thing to do and rounded the evening off nicely , despite no lights.

    DD and GS1 coming round this morning with OH's present. Bowling afternoon followed by birthday cake etc at ours, and takeaway later for anyone who wants to stay.
    I'm enjoying this birthday weekend, it's almost a second one for me

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Gem, I usually take a tablet when I know there are animals, forgot this time.


        Good Sunday morning, everyone. Just a quick 'hello' from me as I've been on the phone for ages and also expecting visitors in a few minutes. OH is doing a car boot sale this morning and left home about 6 am. I hope he comes back with an empty trailer!

        Gem, very happy birthday to S. How lovely you're both enjoying her birthday week-end. xx
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Daisy, do you think he will come back with more stuff?!
          S thanks you for her eCard, very kind!
          And your card Oma. We are struggling to find places for all the cards
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Gemini, sounds like S’s birthday was well and truly celebrated.

            Feeling very sleepy today, woke up at 830 and decided to get back into bed, then slept until 10.25, just had breakfast, door to garden wide open. Forecast is good for the day, I shall take things easy. GGC were very entertaining in the garden yesterday, H went home and the older ones stayed the night. GD2 and partner arrived with all their worldly possessions, hope they find a house soon but they will be quite happy here for a time.

            Daisy, I hope your OH has a good day and comes back with an empty trailer.

            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Oma, watch out, don’t stand still or you will get pressure washed. We could do with some pressure washing in our courtyard but I don’t mind it not looking too smart. You certainly wouldn’t be popular with the neighbours if he starts being noisy too early.

              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Well he waited till 9am , although itching to get started ,
                I heard both neighbours on either side go out in their cars so it was ok to start then.
                It Didn’t take long it’s only a small path towards the shed and down the side ,
                We keep the bins down the side and it doesn’t get much light there so gets a lot of green and black bits.
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Well its been a day of visitors. Glad we didn't have much to do.
                  Nephew called in the afternoon,just as he went BRO in law came.
                  Then friends we hadn't seen for quite a few months were having a drive out.
                  Called in ours because they were quite near. It was lovely to see them.
                  Earlier,the cloud started bubbling up,thought we were going to have a storm,but we didn't.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    We all seem very busy at the moment. It must be the nice weather making everyone want to go out and visit or shop.

                    I washed all the towels this morning. They dried nicely on the line and just needed fluffing up in the drier for a few minutes. OH sold quite a lot of stuff at the car boot sale and didn't get home until about 1 o'clock. He said it was very busy. Gem, luckily he didn't have time to look round at other car boots!

                    I decided to treat myself to a lazy afternoon reading. I didn't take Eva out till gone 8 o'clock tonight, but it was a beautiful evening. Very quiet apart from the birds. We saw a new-born foal. As we were waiting to cross the main road I could hear a car and another funny noise. Eventually it came into view - Del Boy's Trotters Independent Traders' yellow robin reliant chugging along! I know there were several Del Boy vans used in the series, and I don't know if this was one of them or a copy, but it looked funny against the backdrop of the Forest!

                    Nanto, I hope you did escape the storms - they looked pretty ferocious on the weather forecast this evening.

                    Gem, I hope S enjoyed the birthday bowling party.

                    Oma, B can come and pressure wash our patio any time. It badly needs doing, and I don't want to arrange all the potted plants around the garden until it's done.

                    Lizzie, I do hope you're feeling better now, and enjoyed Mother's Day.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      We had a good day and S enjoyed her whole birthday weekend very much.
                      She still has an afternoon tea (given by friends next Wednesday for our joint 70th ) and the family weekend in June to celebrate our birthdays. So she is spinning it all out

                      After bowling we all came back here and sat in the garden until after 7. Then 3 went home and the remaining 6 had a takeway. The 4 of them left about half an hour ago and S is now asleep in front of football on the telly
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good morning. The sun is making an appearance.
                        We had a heavy shower at 9.30 last night but no storm.

                        Upstairs cleaning today, hope it stays fine so i can wash the bedding and get it out on the line.

                        Gem, glad S has had a good birthday weekend.

                        Chips, fish cakes and peas for dinner.

                        The vision of Del Boys car tickled me.

                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.

                          Thanks for all the good wishes for OH, here and elsewhere

                          Aqua for me this morning, then we are taking auntie G out for lunch. I'm quite exhausted after that weekend!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Good Monday morning, everyone.

                            Gem, what a busy but lovely week-end S has had. All set now for the joint celebrations and your birthday in June.

                            Nanto, glad you avoided the storms - they looked bad. Fish cakes are lovely - I don't make them often enough though!

                            It's my DIL2's birthday today. I'm going to pop over with her present in a while and might do a bit of shopping while I'm there.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Morning everyone

                              Hope Aunty is well and I’m sure she enjoys her little trips out ,
                              Been a busy weekend for you both , don’t fall asleep in Aqua 🤣 unless your on a lilo 🤣

                              Shame you didn’t take a photo of Del boys car that must have been so funny 😁

                              I had Salmon fish cakes on Thursday but they were large and I couldn’t eat two so Storm got the spare one on Friday.
                              B isn’t so keen on salmon fish cakes but likes normal ones.

                              It rained heavy during the night but it’s dry now , a bit overcast but very muggy.

                              We have just been to our small Morrisons , I need Milk , we don’t use a lot these days ,
                              I bought some steak mince for the dog got to the checkout and it wouldn’t scan , so off the girl went brought another pk , it wouldn’t scan , this happened another twice .
                              Luckily the store was almost empty so we didn’t hold anyone up.
                              Eventually one went through at a reduced price so the girl on the till accepted it she said it’s their fault for not putting right bar code on ,
                              Only £1 off but still every little helps 😁

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Gemini, I expect you do feel tired after all those celebrations for S’s birthday. Enjoy your Aqua and lunch out with your auntie.

                                I am finding several large wasps coming into my kitchen, I presume they are queen wasps looking for somewhere to make their nests. Overcast antm although the forecast is for us to have sun.

                                Daisy, enjoy your shop, not your favourite pastime.

                                Had a lovely family weekend, GGS had grown, he is a sweetie like all new babies. He has what looks like a birthmark on his thumb. I managed a bit of gardening, GS1 came and had a look, he is the only GC that is interested in gardening.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

