Thinking about Gem ' s OH( S ) winning at Golf and them having a well deserved celebration meal , got me thinking about how I love to hear about other people's success
It's really nice to hear how much people achieve and how they celebrate With so much doom and gloom in the news it's always nice when someone has something nice to tell .
I know S has played hard to win and it's a well deserved win I bet she was buzzing 😊
Then we hear of GC exam results or new Babies arriving or like Jane J getting her GD back after all these years , Libra's DD getting home from Hospital and her move almost there and I think , Yes there are good times to be thankful for , It's not such a bad world after all is it 😆
It's really nice to hear how much people achieve and how they celebrate With so much doom and gloom in the news it's always nice when someone has something nice to tell .
I know S has played hard to win and it's a well deserved win I bet she was buzzing 😊
Then we hear of GC exam results or new Babies arriving or like Jane J getting her GD back after all these years , Libra's DD getting home from Hospital and her move almost there and I think , Yes there are good times to be thankful for , It's not such a bad world after all is it 😆