This is far more common than you may imagine!
Many people can't leave a glass of water within reach of cats, or their head goes in. Not all cats do this, but some do. They will bypass their water dish to find a glass, left by an unsuspecting person!
One of my cats has done this for years. Most annoying if you have a glass of water on the coffee table, and the next thing you notice is her head in the glass and you have to get another glass of water. In short tumblers she puts her head in, with tall narrow glasses she puts her paw in and licks off the droplets.
She loves to come into the bedroom in the morning, jump onto my bedside table and drink any water I have left in my tumbler . I then realised that she was splashing, and I have my Kindle on there and sometimes my phone as well
I then began each morning to put the glass on the window sill for her to finish. If I had drunk all the water during the night she would look disdainfully at it. I then had to refill it from the bathroom tap. Now we keep a permanent tumbler on the bedroom window sill! In the morning I pour into it from my glass any remaining water. If there is none, or not much, I add to it from the bathroom
This has been going on for months. This morning both the other cats had a drink from the glass. I refuse to have 3 tumblers lined up on the windowsill, so they will have to share!
(This is not her on the photo!)
Many people can't leave a glass of water within reach of cats, or their head goes in. Not all cats do this, but some do. They will bypass their water dish to find a glass, left by an unsuspecting person!
One of my cats has done this for years. Most annoying if you have a glass of water on the coffee table, and the next thing you notice is her head in the glass and you have to get another glass of water. In short tumblers she puts her head in, with tall narrow glasses she puts her paw in and licks off the droplets.
She loves to come into the bedroom in the morning, jump onto my bedside table and drink any water I have left in my tumbler . I then realised that she was splashing, and I have my Kindle on there and sometimes my phone as well

I then began each morning to put the glass on the window sill for her to finish. If I had drunk all the water during the night she would look disdainfully at it. I then had to refill it from the bathroom tap. Now we keep a permanent tumbler on the bedroom window sill! In the morning I pour into it from my glass any remaining water. If there is none, or not much, I add to it from the bathroom

This has been going on for months. This morning both the other cats had a drink from the glass. I refuse to have 3 tumblers lined up on the windowsill, so they will have to share!
(This is not her on the photo!)
