Well puppy has been renamed Houdini. Last night she scaled the bars of her puppy pen and was found by SIL roaming around the kitchen!
DD has had to fashion cardboard boxes over the corners to prevent a repeat performance tonight.
GD took her out to the trampoline this morning(still on Easter hols. in their part of the world) and Luna pooped on it so DD sent GD out with poo bag and disinfectant spray!Lucy was not impressed but will have to get used to it!
This made me smile & brought back memories of our pooch when he was a pup. We thought that he was securely enclosed in his crate in the boot. OH was driving along & suddenly shouted he's escaping. I looked around & our little puppy had somehow managed to push the top of the cage open & was making a break for it. Is the puppy still called Luna?
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."