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A new Member of the Family


    LOL, that must have been funny Daisy I'm sure it is tiring for Eva, physically and mentally.

    I thought of you yesterday. The park that GD and I went to after school, has a doggie park next to it,separated by a low fence. It's fun watching the dogs chase balls, and each other and nice to see the 'mums and dads' chatting too!
    GD wondered why there was no dog play equipment in there. I said I thought open space for run about in, other dogs and a ball was probably all the equipment a dog needs! There is a line of trees too, so they can run around them or sniff them or whatever dogs like to do
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Gem - yes, it is tiring for all the dogs. They all have their different issues and worries. Your dog exercise area sounds a really good idea. When you're at the end of a dog's lead it's rather like having a small child with you - it gives you all an 'in' into speaking to other dog walkers. Most dogs love chasing after a ball or a frisbee - the harder part is getting them to bring the object back! LOL. As for a line of tress - bliss for all the little boy dogs!

      Week 10: This is the first time I have taken Eva to class without OH to share the workload. Fortunately Eva wasn't quite as upset by the 'new' dogs as last week, - until we came to the bit where they have to walk round each other. Three of the 4 dogs are positioned in the centre of the room and one has to walk round the outside and between the 3 dogs. To lessen stress and too much eye balling as the walking dog progresses round the room the dogs in the centre turn their backs on it. In theory! Last week OH and I stood either side of Eva, but this week she was more exposed. After a few minutes she really didn't want to move at all - not even for a dollop of Primula cheese spread. It's incredible how even slight changes affect her concentration and ability to cope with the situation. But then she did brilliantly with the one-to-one time, mastering a new situation at the very first attempt.

      I realise this thread is turning into a diary of Eva's training. I hope nobody minds, but it's very useful for me to look back and see what happened from week to the next. This trainer is amazing and so kind to the dogs - she seems to know when they are stressed before they or their owners realise. Another lady in the class very kindly gave me a thunder shirt for Eva this week - hopefully to help her when the next round of fireworks start.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Although I am not a dog owner Daisy I love reading this, I'm sure everyone does. (and if they don't they needn't read it )
        Eva seems to be coming on really well. She is a lucky dog to have such caring owners to help her through like this.

        The dog park is very popular. You see the dogs on leads coming along the path down to the park and they look as excited as the kids are going to their park It is a big grassy area, like a small field, all secure with fences and a gate so the dogs can be safely off their leads once in there.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Week 12 and end of term: So what would Eva's end of term report look like?

          Reading back over this thread, I can see she's made good progress, but it is still baby steps on a long journey. The first 2 or 3 minutes in the hall are still a bit hit and miss. She tosses her head about looking at all the other dogs and then tries to make a dash to OH sitting down at the far end of the room. She's still not 100% happy with the head collar and will always try and get it off if we give her half a chance. But, she is walking round the room mostly on a loose lead. Today there were 5 dogs in the group, and the 5th is a Yorkie-JR cross (called Daisy!) belonging to a lady who helps the trainer. Daisy and Eva kept darting looks at each other and given the choice of walking close to the Leonberger or Daisy, she chose the huge Leo! Size is still an issue for Eva - small dogs unsettle her more than big ones.

          When we got to the one-to-one work there was a bit of an end of term feel to the activity. It was building on the mat exercise, only this time with lots of toys that wobbled, made noises or fell over. Eva very quickly worked out that she got a treat for touching the toy I was looking at - I was also standing near the toy to help a bit since it was the first time she'd done this. She loved the 'game' and did really well. But it's interesting to see that there comes a point where she mentally switches off.

          She was very tired when we got home, but I let her out in the garden to play with the hosepipe later on. She enjoyed it but clearly wasn't putting her heart, soul and best effort into it! Job done - she should sleep well tomorrow when we're out at the New Forest Show. My friend is coming in on and off during the day to keep her company etc.

          So we're going to try and get lots of lead walking practise during the next few weeks before the new term starts in September!

          Pawnote: Half way through this training class the humans get a cup of tea and we take it in turn to bring cakes. Today the cake was a 3-layer sponge, well filled with jam and cream and topped with fresh starwberries. It was really fresh and delicious and when I complimented the lady who'd brought it she said it was from Morrisons! I really thought it was home-made, and I'm not trying to tempt anyone - but .....

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            What is a thunder shirt Daisy?
            It's a good job we can't consider another dog until the cat goes to Cat Heaven and we are in our own property. We cannot resist the dog rescue programmes, I just know we will weaken eventually...
            Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
            Eleanor Roosevelt.


              GM - a thundershirt is a thin, but close-fitting coat designed to reduce anxiety. The gentle all-over pressure seems to calm them down.


              Today we were at the New Forest Show (it's a huge agricultural/country show) and OH was demonstrating wood-turning. Quite by chance some friends we haven't seen for ages walked into the tent and saw OH beavering away. So we all went and had a cup of tea together and discovered that we have twin dogs! It was really hard to tell one from the other!

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Another first for Eav yesterday. She had a bath - a proper one with shampoo! She often gets wet in the garden chasing the hosepipe but we've never actually bathed her, but yesterday we decided the time had come. Suddenly OH had an urgent date with the tv news channel so it was a one-woman task!

                Slightly handicapped by the fact that the tap doesn't work properly and the shower makes a horrendous noise (we're waiting for the plumber to come and fix a new one) I managed to run 4 or 5 inches of water thinking that would be enough. Eva jumped in with no trouble but seems slightly surprised that it was wet in there. She lifted up a front paw and looked at it as though it didn't belong to her. The instruction of the dog shampoo said about 30ml for a medium sized dog. Huh! Half a bottle later there was still no lather. I never realised her coat is that oily. Anyway we persevered, got it rinsed off and the second I stepped back she leapt out and shook herself. Job done!

                After so many years of bathing Rusty and Clyde every 2 weeks, towelling them, using the hairdryer and combing their fur out neatly, this was so easy. Apart from the total mess in the bathroom. LOL

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  That's a job well done Daisy,especially on your own. I'm glad Eva cooperated.


                    Thanks, Clover. She smells all nice and clean now, but (whisper because I don't want to upset the bleach babes among us) I quite like her 'normal' doggy smell!

                    Love the graphic, by the way.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Well done Eva
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Today Eva passed another milestone. Our son's dog, Midge, has been to our house quite a few times since we got Eva and they get on really well, even to sharing a bed but no other dog has visited her until today. Some friends came to lunch with their dog, who is so like Eva that we kept confusing them if we couldn't see their faces. They spent about an hour barking at each other, off and on, but no aggression, no teeth and tails wagging all the time. Then they settled down and we took them for a walk. Eva was her usual uncontrollable self and totally switched off from us which was disappointing, but not unexpected. but she did calm down a bit towards the end of the walk. Then they both went to sleep under the table while we had lunch in the garden. So, very pleased with the way she behaved towards the other dog, but lead walking needs lots more practice.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          That's really good Daisy. I bet it was noisy when they were doing their Getting To Know Each Other barking though
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Gem - yes it was a bit noisy and I could hear a neighbour's toddler crying, so I hope the dogs weren't keeping her awake.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Eva was enjoying her new found friend, I expect they will be more relaxed next time they meet.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Plant - that's what we are hoping.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

