Our DS1 and DIL have a beautiful cat. They've had her since she was a tiny kitten, and she's has grown up to be quite independent. Their garden backs on to woodland and she goes off hunting and doing cat things a lot, but always comes home regularly to attend to her tummy - food and tickling!
Today she came home very dirty - she normally looks immaculate - and on closer inspection, reeking of tom cat. DIL gave her a bath, and she tolerated it very well, so we think she was unhappy with the state she was in.
So we're wondering - did she stray into a tom's territory and get in a fight (there don't seem to be any injuries), or is it possible even though she's speyed some naughty boy tried to have his wicked way with her.
A few years ago a friend had a neutered tom who still fancied the ladies, and apparently this can happen if the operation isn't complete (very hazy on the details of what I was told). So do any of our granny cat experts know if a speyed girl can still attract a tom?
Today she came home very dirty - she normally looks immaculate - and on closer inspection, reeking of tom cat. DIL gave her a bath, and she tolerated it very well, so we think she was unhappy with the state she was in.
So we're wondering - did she stray into a tom's territory and get in a fight (there don't seem to be any injuries), or is it possible even though she's speyed some naughty boy tried to have his wicked way with her.
A few years ago a friend had a neutered tom who still fancied the ladies, and apparently this can happen if the operation isn't complete (very hazy on the details of what I was told). So do any of our granny cat experts know if a speyed girl can still attract a tom?