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MEMBERS LOVED ONES BIRTHDAYS. Tell us about them here!
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Today is my OH's big 7 0. He loves aeroplanes and has a private pilot's licence so we had Booked him a flight in a Spitfire at Druxford, the Imperial War Museum. We had gone to endless trouble to keep it secret, organise 4 GCs and 2 dogs to be looked after for the weekend, Ds2 had booked a hotel, etc etc plus the subterfuge of getting O h there with the right gear without him realising. Then on Thursday the company emailed that there was a technical problem and it was cancelled!!!
After an evening of tearing our hair out DS1 and DIL offered to do a meal and we gave OH the voucher and several hours later he's still reading up on it and planning the day, so all ends well! 😀"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)