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Tap, bottled or filtered, how do you like your water?

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    Tap, bottled or filtered, how do you like your water?

    We all know we should drink plenty of water. It is good for just about everything, keeps or bodies ticking over, helps eliminate toxins, and generally keeps us from being dehydrated, especially in the summer.
    Fortunately I love water, especially cold from the fridge and it is no effort for me to drink plenty. I constantly nag OH to drink more (water!)

    I don't like the taste of tap water, so for many years now I have drunk bottled water. We buy 2 litre bottles to drink at home, and the small bottles for OH to take to golf, or us to take on days out or walks. I have one particular brand which I prefer, and always buy that unless I can't get it.

    Recently I read something on FB (but we know we can't believe all we read on there, a lot of it alarmist!) about the plastics in the bottle being dangerous when they seep into the water. One would think the manufacturers would have though of this one, but who knows? I have always known that we shouldn't drink from bottles that have been left in a hot car, for that reason, but didn't know unopened bottles at home were unsafe.

    It has made me think however, that perhaps filtered water would be better? It would certainly be cheaper I imagine. An under sink filter is one option. As I love my water cold, I think a filter jug may be the choice though. I owned one, many moons ago, but eventually threw it out and I started to worry about the effects of not changing the filter often enough being dangerous.
    I would now mark the date we changed the filter on the calendar to ensure it was changed on time.

    I just wondered what others do? Are you a straight from the tap lady, or do you like your water from a bottle?
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    as we live close to a water filter station our tap water taste of chlorine so all water used for Tea or Coffee is first filtered using a filter jug we keep on the work top , it gets used all day and I change the filter every 3 month as the filter manufacturer advises , I also keep a note of it on my Calendar , but sometimes its earlier we can tell by the taste if it needs doing early ,
    I buy large 2lt bottled water that I decant into glass bottles ,like little milk bottles I drink lots of ice cold water , I also have a glass bottle I fill with water for the car , I never use plastic in the car I could always taste the plastic when I have on the odd occasions done that ,
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Straight from the tap for me, I can't tell the difference between that and bottled water. We used to have a filter jug but kept forgetting to buy/change the filter.
      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


        I have now ordered, from Amazon, a filter jug which comes with a years supply of filters, and 2 insulated water bottle/flasks. Both had very good reviews. DD3 has a similar bottle.
        OH really needs a bottle for the golf course. It will save her taking a plastic bottle each day, and also keeps the water cold for hours. On a long day she can take a plastic bottle of water too!
        I bought 2 as it will be useful to have one each when we go out, and it will be nice for me to be able to take cold water out in the car with me.

        The Tesco delivery man will be pleased. Our monthly order contains a lot of bottled water!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          I have a water filter as our water is quite hard,but for drinking it has to be still bottled.
          "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


            I buy bottled water for taking out, using in the car and also keeping a large bottle and a glass by the bedside. I don't like it (or anything else) ice cold so never keep it in the fridge. I know we shouldn't keep plastic bottles of water in the car, but I still do it, but It's not often I drink water in the car anyway. Other than that we drink tap water. Sometimes it tastes of chemicals, but mostly it's ok. The bet solution is probably to add whiskey to it!!!

            I've been taking water out for Eva in a large plastic bottle which I just refill from the tap (naughty, I know), but I think I'll have to get one of those clever dog water dispensers-cum-bottles because she often spills it somehow!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Tap, unless we are traveling far then I take a small bottle of water with me
              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Tap for me, unless travelling, then I have an insulated mug. I have a filter under the sink , never buy bottled water.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  I only buy small bottles of water for travelling otherwise it's tap water all the way. I don't want to fork out for something I've already paid for in water charges etc.


                    When we moved in here 16.5 years ago the water was awful, yellow and sort of spitting out of the tap, couldn't face drinking it. We started to buy bottled although it annoyed me especially then as it was more expensive in those days. Then as the water got better coloured and came out of the tap properly I bought a filter jug which I still use. I do however buy small bottles of water to take on the train or in the car. Frequently I refill these but not always. Ben my GS will only drink water and he thinks the filter jug is his special water!! I do keep a bottle of water by my bed. The reason a bottle and not a glass is that one day I woke up and picked the glass up and there was a SPIDER drowned in the glass. Now those of you who know me will remember I am petrified of spiders and I was nearly sick that day just looking at the thing. So it is a bottle by the bed for me so no nasties can try to have a swim in my water........

                    I do like Ike sparkling water as well especially on a hot afternoon if I decide to have an early afternoon glass of wine, putting sparkling water in it makes me feel virtuous don't you know!!!
                    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                      I have a glass of water by my bed every night. I ought to have a bottle however for more than once I have caught my naughty cat drinking out of the glass so had to throw the water away

                      Zizi, I have no fear of spiders, but would NOT appreciate one floating in my water glass
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Tap water for me. Hubby doesn't drink it. I only have one glass a day with my dinner.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Gem you most likely drank lots of water the cats had a drink from without you knowing 😀 it hasn't killed you so I wouldn't worry about it .😃😄😅
                          Zizi I agree a bottle will keep your water spider free , that would be my worse nightmare 😲😲😲
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Ewwww I hope not!!!
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              I have used bottled water fore i many years started really when we first moved abroad and have continued ever since,I always have cold bottles in the fridge and have one in my bag all the time to keep me hydrated.I am quite fond of the flavoured waters peach/strawberry they are so refreshing at times.
                              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

