Just had a phone call from my Brother my 33 yr old niece has just came out of emergency surgery for a ruptured bowel , Surgeon said if they hadn't operated when they did she wouldn't be alive in the morning , it had perforated in 3 places , she now has a Stoma bag fitted with only a 10% chance of any reversal , They have no idea yet why it happened and will be at least 6 month before they know what the next step will be , she may need more surgery in the coming week , My Brother said she,s awake high on drugs but smiling ,
Shes a single Mam of my Great nephew who is 13 so Max will be staying with my Brother and once out of Hospital my niece will be staying with them too , Dr said she wont get back to work for a very long time , But as my brother said she,s alive that's all that matters. all her 5 siblings are at my brothers at the minute , my poor Brother and Sil are shattered . Brother is worried how she will cope with a Stoma bag for the rest of her life but like everything she will learn to cope and she,s a strong woman .
We never know what each day brings do we
Shes a single Mam of my Great nephew who is 13 so Max will be staying with my Brother and once out of Hospital my niece will be staying with them too , Dr said she wont get back to work for a very long time , But as my brother said she,s alive that's all that matters. all her 5 siblings are at my brothers at the minute , my poor Brother and Sil are shattered . Brother is worried how she will cope with a Stoma bag for the rest of her life but like everything she will learn to cope and she,s a strong woman .
We never know what each day brings do we