This is a long story. My late DH had a son from his first marriage, after DH passed away we lost touch then about 9 years ago he came with his son, then about 8 years old, after that I didn't see him again until he stood at the door on Friday with a bunch of flowers! It was 24 years ago on Friday that we got to know DH had only a few months to live. We sat talking and he produced papers from a life insurance that this father took out for him, he hadn't known it existed until he was tidying papers out, so he said, he asked me to sign it being DH's inheritor, I signed it then he took a photo of my license as an ID. After he left it got me thinking, what had I done!!!! I hardly slept and was at the police station at 9am, not knowing they are not open on a Saturday and that you need an appointment nowadays

The (step)son phoned yesterday afternoon and said he would get me a copy and that there was a lot happening at home, he phoned this morning if he could call in, his wife has thrown him out!!! A strange carry on, they have a son, he is 17 years old now, apparently the wife had ADAD and can be difficult to live with at times, over the years they have had their ups and downs, now it is really down. I told him I will always listen, which I will. I know I can't have him here, couldn't anyway as there is a dog as well. He is staying at a good friends for the time being. I have said he is welcome for a meal, he has taken me up on that. As for the documents, I told him I was worried that I had signed them, he said he understood that, I now have copies of everything!!
I just hope that it is all soon settled for him and that he can find somewhere to live, that won't be easy.