Do you have memories of your grandmother? Were you lucky enough to have two grandmothers? Do you you feel you were as close to your grandmother as you are to your grandchildren?
I never knew my paternal grandmother, she died aged 54, before I was born. My maternal grandmother lived into her eighties. She died when I was 20. My mother was a 5th child, I was the 2nd to youngest of many grandchildren. She was nice enough to me, and I was fond of her, but that's as far as it went. I had friends who meant more to my children, and vice versa, than my grandmother and I to each other.
It was a bit of a shock to realise how much my children meant to my mum, and how involved in their lives she wanted to be!
Now a grandma myself, the grandparent/grandchild bond is strong and vital to both parties.
Growing up I never felt I was missing anything by not having a relationship with a grandmother. As I grow older, I realise that I probably was.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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My nana was such a big influence on the whole family,she had 11 children in total 6 boys and 5 girls and even though she had such a big family they all did well in life,she ran a fruit & veg shop with Granpa until after the war then
she & Granpa bought a 8 bed house and ran it as a boarding house for Irish Workers at a time when a lot of houses wouldn't have Irish staying,she showed the whole family how to manage on a shoestring but helped every one with their first home she was amazing,my dad was a big docker and even he minded his ps&qs when she was around.My job at nana's was to get the fresh mint in every Saturday morning for the dinner whilst chopping it nana would show me how to bake the lightest pastry & scones she was a delight to know and have as my nana.Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Your GM sounds like a very strong but kind lady Glamm
I didn't know my paternal GM, she died before I was born. My maternal GM lived quite close and we used to stop on the way home from school or playing out and she would give us bread and dripping. Unfortunately she became very deaf so it was very difficult to communicate with. Nanny loved her guiness.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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My nan used to live with us when I was a child, mum spent her time look after us, running a home ,working part time and looking after nan. When mum was at work I used to sit in nans rocking chair and read my comics while she dozed on her bed. When mum returned home nan would always say I had been as good as gold. Not sure if that was completely true. Nan always had chocolate she would give to me and my sister when mum wasn't looking!
Long after nan had passed away I was talking to my then soon to be MIL about her only to find that she lived next door to my nans cousin, sometimes nan would vist her only to find she was not in and MIL would take her in and give her a cup of tea, in fact she remembers that on some occasions I would be with her ! What a small worldBring me sunshine in your smile.
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How lucky you have been to enjoy grandparents my mothers mum died before I was born and my granddad hardly knew me he lived in Wales and we lived in England, my fathers mum was not a nice person she went through 4 husbandsand had no time for us kids and granddads came and went I treasure my grandchildren as I hope they do me
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When I was little I had a great grandmother, two granddads and two grandmothers. For those who know my "real name" it is a shortened version of her name. She died when I was quite young but I remember her council flat and garden and I remember her being a very fierce woman. I am not sure if that is because her English was quite poor despite a lifetime in this country. She always shouted!! My paternal granddad was blind. He only had one eye anyway and then he got cateracts in the other eye. In those days they didn't do cataract operations. He managed to kill himself when he had an abcess in his throat and my gran had left him for half an hour, he was in so much agony he tried to cut the abcess out. Nobody thought it was deliberate and he had a proper funeral. My maternal granddad was lovely, I knew him well. He was a park keeper and I used to be so proud to go to the park keepers hut to have a Corona pop with my friends. He later went on to be head groundsman at Twickenham Rugby Ground. He died of cancer only a couple of months before my son was born. He so wanted to see him. I still see his park when I am on the train and always smile when I see the weeping willows which I remember him planting.
Both of my grandmothers went on to live quiet long lives although unfortunately my paternal grandmother ended up with Alzheimers. Such a shame as she was an incredibly strong lady, very sharp with her tongue when she felt it necessary but she brought up 16 kids and looked after Granddad, made all their clothes, grew vegetables, kept chickens etc. Once, when she was about 70 a thug tried to nick her handbag. She ran after him, got the handbag back and bashed him over the head until the police came. Unfortunately she made a grave error of judgement in remarrying when she was about 72. He was a dreadful man, moved into her house, took her pension, locked her out every day even in bad weather. It was supposed to be companionship but he was a dreadful bully. It was a difficult time and none of us are in any doubt that he hastened the onset of her illness.
My maternal grandmother was barking mad (in a nice way). She was, well, just silly but didn't realise it. She would say the funniest things and look confused when everyone laughed. One time she was put on a diet and made a sunday roast for me and Granddad. She sat down and ate her salad then got up and served three enormous portions of roast lunch. When we pointed out she was on a diet she said "Yes I've had me diet now I'm having me dinner". She died after a short illness after moving to live with my parents.
We used to stay regularly with my maternal grandparents for school holidays etc. but not paternal grandmother. I think because maternal pair only had us for a long time whereas Gran had a cast of thousands due to her many children and grandchildren. Nanny (maternal) adored my son however and would look after him at the drop of a hat!
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
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My Maternal Grandmother died when I was 5 and funny the only memory of her is on the day she dies I was waving to her as she went home on the bus , sadly when she got home she put the key in door and fell backwards down the steps banging her head and dying
My Paternal Grandmother died when I was 19 but I didn't know her well I only saw her a few times growing up then after my father died I didn't see her at all we didn't live close but what I do remember of her she was a strict person she liked good manners and didn't put up with nonsense a child should be seen but not heard typeLast edited by Oma; 24-02-2015, 03:19 PM.Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Gosh this makes interesting reading. My maternal grandmother was a very strict, old before her time, white haired lady who was rather autocratic and unapproachable. Grandpa was lovely with a twinkle. I remember my mother being quite upset by her mother (Nanny) many times and Nanny could be a bit of a stirrer, so peace wasn't her big thing! My father's mother was a tyrant who hated my mother, and was also very difficult to handle. No husband as he had died of TB. So not very many positive memories of my grandparents. How different most of today's grandparents are!Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot
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My maternal granddad died around the time I was born but wasn't too sadly missed. A drunken wife/child beater though I think my Granny loved him despite this. My Mum was one of the few people to stand up to him. My paternal granddad died when I was about 12/13. He literally chain smoked and lit one cigarette from the other. Overheard a conversation after he died and it seems he was a smuggler so could possibly afford to indulge his habit. My maternal granny lived with us for quite a few years - she had a very strong Irish accent and was incredibly religious. I used to take her to mass and confession. Despite rarely leaving the house she would often be in the confessional box for ages - we used to get others to go ahead of her as it was so embarrassing when she held up the queue. We could only imagine that she had some very wicked thoughts to confess to! My paternal granny was awful - did everything she could to wreck her children's marriages. The only time I saw her happy was when my parents eventually split up after 20+ years of marriage. Oddly enough my Dad remarried and his wife was another destructive manipulator - he obviously didn't learn any lessons!xx
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Mother left when I was 3 months old.Dad was abroad at the time,serving in the army.We lived next door but one to my paternal grandparents, who were in their 50's, and they adopted me.Apparently, at first they were told they were too old to adopt me, but because they were my grandparents, adoption was allowed to go ahead.
I always called my grandma mam, but grandad was grandad, because my dad came to live with us when he came out of the army.I always thought they were a bit strict, and dad would never interfere, because they were responsible for me.
I can vaguely remember my maternal grandmother, and she did visit us, until I was about10.Her visits stopped,but I can't remember ever being told why.Looking back, I presume she died.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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What amazing stories about our grandparents. There's very little I can say about my grandmothers. My maternal GM died long before I was born. My paternal GM died when I was about 9. I have very few memories of her. Granny was a tiny, bird-like lady who always seems incredibly ancient to me. I suspect we had very little to say to each other. I remember her being ill in bed (possibly just before she died) and my cousin who was 5 years older having to sit with her while the grown-ups were busy.
I hope my grandchildren have more (preferably good) memories of me.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
My aunt died not long before I was born and my GM took control of my cousin and her manipulation was more successful. She managed to instil a sense of disgust for men and marriage. Not long ago my cousin told me that her mother was never discussed and she wasn't even told she had died. She was only about five and thought her mum had left her because she had been too naughty. Hard to imagine how inhibited people sometimes were in the"good old days".xx
My maternal Grandpa died before I was born and my paternal Grandpa died just after I was born. I only remember my maternal Grandma being in bed and I have no idea why. She died when I was very young. My paternal Grandma lived with us for some years but she and my mother didn't like each other. She must have had a very lonely life as we lived way out in the sticks with no public transport nearby. I don't remember having much contact with her even though we lived in the same house. She died when I was eight or nine. My parents and my in-laws on the other hand were fantastic grandparents. My girls have very fond memories of all of them for which I am so grateful. I just hope my grand children will have fond memories of me.Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.