The only time I was in trouble at school was for missing hockey lessons.
To me PE was a total waste of my time. My friend and I decided that as we had double hockey last 2 periods of the day, we would just go early that day. Of course we couldn't turn up home early, so we went to the theatre coffee bar, one of our favourite haunts. We were not bright enough to realise that sitting in the (very large) windows maybe wasn't a good idea.
We actually got away with it for several weeks. Someone must have seen us and the PE teacher found out.I remember her being pretty and sweet, and unlike the other scary PE teacher. She was very clever,as she found the perfect punishment for us.
She summoned us, told us she was very disappointed in us, and that for punishment we would have to join the first years for hockey. We were 15 or 16, in the 5th year. We worried about this for days, especially me. The day before the dreaded day, the teacher summoned us again. She said she felt we had been punished enough, and that we were never to skip PE again. I still admire her for the way she handled that. And no, we never skipped PE again
To me PE was a total waste of my time. My friend and I decided that as we had double hockey last 2 periods of the day, we would just go early that day. Of course we couldn't turn up home early, so we went to the theatre coffee bar, one of our favourite haunts. We were not bright enough to realise that sitting in the (very large) windows maybe wasn't a good idea.
We actually got away with it for several weeks. Someone must have seen us and the PE teacher found out.I remember her being pretty and sweet, and unlike the other scary PE teacher. She was very clever,as she found the perfect punishment for us.
She summoned us, told us she was very disappointed in us, and that for punishment we would have to join the first years for hockey. We were 15 or 16, in the 5th year. We worried about this for days, especially me. The day before the dreaded day, the teacher summoned us again. She said she felt we had been punished enough, and that we were never to skip PE again. I still admire her for the way she handled that. And no, we never skipped PE again
