G has been quite unwell since Sunday. He started coughing but said he felt alright in himself. On Monday he was still coughing but mid afternoon started vomiting and had diarrhoea. He watched TV in the evening and kept dozing off(
which he often does).At bedtime he tried to get up but didn't seem to have the strength. I finally managed to heave him to his feet and half pushed him up the stairs. He was getting rather confused and was frightening me. After another bout of D and V I managed to get him undressed and into bed. He does have asthma but despite coughing and his breathing sounding awful he wasn't actually wheezing. He slept on and off despite bouts of coughing.I was listening to him breathing most of the night.Tuesday morning I managed to get him to drink a little and then he went back to sleep.I didn't know what to do so rang surgery and asked to speak to a doctor. Fair enough a young lady soon rang me back and I explained the problem. She was very helpful and advised me what to do most of which I was already doing and which of his regular medication to withold until he was eating and drinking properly.She also sent a prescription to the pharmacy for a spacer to help with his inhaler and to use inhaler even though he wasn't actual wheezing.I popped out to get it.She thought it was viral so no antibiotics.
Today G did eat a little porage this morning and I keep offering drinks.I just hope he starts to feel better really soon.Touch wood the D and V seems to have stopped.
which he often does).At bedtime he tried to get up but didn't seem to have the strength. I finally managed to heave him to his feet and half pushed him up the stairs. He was getting rather confused and was frightening me. After another bout of D and V I managed to get him undressed and into bed. He does have asthma but despite coughing and his breathing sounding awful he wasn't actually wheezing. He slept on and off despite bouts of coughing.I was listening to him breathing most of the night.Tuesday morning I managed to get him to drink a little and then he went back to sleep.I didn't know what to do so rang surgery and asked to speak to a doctor. Fair enough a young lady soon rang me back and I explained the problem. She was very helpful and advised me what to do most of which I was already doing and which of his regular medication to withold until he was eating and drinking properly.She also sent a prescription to the pharmacy for a spacer to help with his inhaler and to use inhaler even though he wasn't actual wheezing.I popped out to get it.She thought it was viral so no antibiotics.
Today G did eat a little porage this morning and I keep offering drinks.I just hope he starts to feel better really soon.Touch wood the D and V seems to have stopped.