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OH unwell.


    OH unwell.

    G has been quite unwell since Sunday. He started coughing but said he felt alright in himself. On Monday he was still coughing but mid afternoon started vomiting and had diarrhoea. He watched TV in the evening and kept dozing off(
    which he often does).At bedtime he tried to get up but didn't seem to have the strength. I finally managed to heave him to his feet and half pushed him up the stairs. He was getting rather confused and was frightening me. After another bout of D and V I managed to get him undressed and into bed. He does have asthma but despite coughing and his breathing sounding awful he wasn't actually wheezing. He slept on and off despite bouts of coughing.I was listening to him breathing most of the night.Tuesday morning I managed to get him to drink a little and then he went back to sleep.I didn't know what to do so rang surgery and asked to speak to a doctor. Fair enough a young lady soon rang me back and I explained the problem. She was very helpful and advised me what to do most of which I was already doing and which of his regular medication to withold until he was eating and drinking properly.She also sent a prescription to the pharmacy for a spacer to help with his inhaler and to use inhaler even though he wasn't actual wheezing.I popped out to get it.She thought it was viral so no antibiotics.
    Today G did eat a little porage this morning and I keep offering drinks.I just hope he starts to feel better really soon.Touch wood the D and V seems to have stopped.

    Oh poor G he must feel really rough , this bug going around is really nasty , everyone is complaining about the cough but haven't heard anyone say they had D&V so it may be something else on top of that ,
    Its scary Clover him not eating but its more important he drinks plenty rather than eat .
    Hope he feels better soon xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Clover, sorry to hear G is poorly.
      D and V is one of the things going round as well as the Aussie and the Japanese flu bugs.
      Try to make sure he drinks, you don't want him to get dehydrated.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        So sorry to hear G isn’t well Clover it’s such a worry for you and hard work too. I hope he pulls round soon this bug is awful sending my love to you both


          So many nasty bugs around, Clover, so sorry that G has picked something up. Hope he gets better soon and look after yourself too. Xxx
          "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


            Clover - Poor G, he really does sound poorly, but you are doing everything you can to keep him comfortable. It's awful when these bugs take hold and you can't do anything except ride the storm.

            My OH is more poorly than he was this morning and has gone to bed. He looks washed out and is coughing for England, but thankfully no D&V, so I can only imagine how G is feeling. Sending him love and 'get well soon' vibes, Clover. xx
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Hope your OH is over the worst of it Clover, and is picking up, there are so many awful bugs out there at the moment, and once you seem to get it it seems hard to shift, hope you can get some rest too//xx

              Daisy hope your OH feels better after a good sleep, these bugs and coughs are nasty that are going around at the moment, seems to take awhile to shift xx
              Last edited by Pearl5; 17-01-2018, 11:34 PM.
              How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


                Poor G, difficult time for you both, hope he gets over the bug soon.

                Daisy I didn't know your OH as poorly too, hope he feels better soon. So many poorly people.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  My heart felt sympathies with all the sufferers from another victim! No D&V thank goodness but it is the most awful bug. This is week 3 and the cough is as bad as ever! Forcing myself to do things, even to make a cuppa so don’t expect a swift recovery. My brother had Clover’s version over Christmas and apparently it has revisited!
                  OH suggested some sun but I couldn’t find the energy to pack a case and think of all those people I would infect on the flight....Typhoid Mary has risen!
                  Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                  Eleanor Roosevelt.


                    Clover - I hope G slept well and is feeling a bit better.

                    My OH is still feeling very poorly and is staying in bed - not like him at all.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Clover,Daisy and anyone else with husbands or them selves feeling the effects of those awful bugs going around.

                      "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                        Graunty never heard that for years Typhoid Mary we used to say Typhoid Mary too hahaha
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Clover, I hope poor OH is on the mend now. It must have been an awful time for you both
                          I hope he soon feels better, if you are at worried I woud ring the GP again though xxxx

                          Get well soon Daisys's poor OH too.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Thanks for your good wishes ladies. OH slept fairly well,cough seems to be easing a bit (touch wood) but the “runs” continue. It’s hard to get him to drink but keep trying.I’ll have to get some Dioralyte for him.

                            Daisy I’m so sorry your OH is now on the sick list. It’s horrible seeing them poorly. The cough sounds so awful.

                            GM please don’t try to do more than your body wants to do.Your immune system must be given a chance by resting as much as you can.

                            Not a good start to the year for a lot of us but if you possibly can enjoy your day.

                            To change the subject an enormous walnut tree in my DD’s garden came down in the wind last night and is now mostly lying in her neighbour’s garden. Thankfully the only damage done was the fence and they knew the tree was dead but thought it would stand for a lot longer.If the tree had fallen differently it could have hit the house,the trampoline,the swing setat or next door’s goalposts so she is grateful for that! The neighbour is fine about it and DD has arranged a tree man to visit this afternoon.


                              Hope Clover's and Daisy's OH are soon better! These viruses that are doing their rounds at the moment sound awful.

                              Not forgetting GM, hope you're cough soon goes.
                              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                              Theodore Roosevelt.

