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    I thought I'd start a new topic about this as it's a bit lengthy for our daily chat.

    I attended the local Lymphoedema clinic a few yrs ago & had treatment for about 3yrs until I got the swelling down in both my legs. Water retention meds don't make any difference for people with this condition. I was discharged from the clinic as they were cost cutting 'under orders' which they were very upset about.

    I have to wear full length compression stockings & did this until a consultant ( for tummy or something) said he didn't know why I wore them as it was the least swelling he'd seen. I stupidly stopped wearing them & now my knees have really swollen. The skin tissue changes too. I cannot have a blood pressure cuff on either leg as it causes so much pain.

    As soon as the nurse put the knee support on yesterday I felt the pressure rise straight away. Consequently I'm being redirected to my dr then onto the Clinic. I'm hoping they can help me with lymphatic drainage massage, maybe strapping to get me back to where I was before I took notice of the ill informed consultant.

    Oma in answer to your reply post...

    'Nana my best friend has Lymphoedema in both legs they are very large and some days shes in agony ,
    She has them in special strappings and it effects her feet too so has to have special shoes from the Lympho clinic .
    It makes walking difficult as does sleeping , a very uncomfy thing to have , I sympathise with you .'

    I feel for your friend Oma, I really do. Poor thing. It seems as tho' it's most common in, not all, patients who have recovered from cancer treatment.... involving lymph glands etc. My sister has had swelling in her arm & hand since her breast cancer treatment. She ignores it. Mine arose from having so many abdominal surgeries.

    As you say Oma, your friend finds it hard to sleep. Part of my difficulty sleeping is due to this too. I try really hard not to let my illnesses stop me from being a Gran who joins in games etc. At Christmas my GS1 shouted 'Chase me' & I did. Down I went like a beached whale. The pain in my (already painful) knee was excruciating but you soldier on so as not to worry the little ones. It was the lymphoedema + poorly knee that did it.

    I know 'wishing' something better doesn't work but I'm at the stage now where I just 'wish' I was well to just get on with life. I don't want sympathy in writing this but to give a little information what lymphoedema is & how it affects your life.

    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)

    Nana my friend has extreme Lymphoedema her legs are 3 times what they should be and your right the skin changes it is hard and very rough and she must have them creamed every day ,
    Her's was due to Ovarian cancer many years ago , she does find ease with the compression stockings but they a bugger to get on and off ,

    The new strapping she has now are easier to get on and off but still a job and a half ,

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      That's what's difficult. Getting my stockings on was really hard but manageable. I started with knee high but then had to go onto full length ones. I hope your friend has someone to help her. Not bad to wear in winter but bruddy hot in summer.
      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

      (Doe Zantamata.)


        Nana - that sounds horrendous, and I think you are very brave. I do hope they can get the swelling down and ease the pain. I didn't realise that it can be a consequence of cancer treatment, but now I think about it a friend of a friend has a badly swollen arm after having lymph nodes removed. I also didn't realise it could result from other surgeries either.

        Oma - it sounds as though your friend has been suffering for a long time with this horrible condition.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Nana your a strong lady to put up with this, sounds really painful there is so much we don’t know when we are not suffering with a problem like that hope they can sort you out soon


            Not at all Daisy. Bravery belongs to our soldiers & many others deserving of that honour.

            I'm just at a point where I'm getting a little down with my ageing body. Hernia op', 4 x eye op's, detected irregular heartbeat just in 2 years. Now lympho' is worsening (my own fault), awaiting another eye appoint't with maybe op's to follow. Then there's OH's job uncertainty etc. We all have our own life story but it's time I had a few healthy Chapters in mine.😢 Feeling sorry for myself is not the way I live. As we say "I'm fine".
            "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

            (Doe Zantamata.)


              Thanks Qwerty. It'll work out in the end.x
              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

              (Doe Zantamata.)


                Originally posted by Nana View Post
                Not at all Daisy. Bravery belongs to our soldiers & many others deserving of that honour.

                I'm just at a point where I'm getting a little down with my ageing body. Hernia op', 4 x eye op's, detected irregular heartbeat just in 2 years. Now lympho' is worsening (my own fault), awaiting another eye appoint't with maybe op's to follow. Then there's OH's job uncertainty etc. We all have our own life story but it's time I had a few healthy Chapters in mine.😢 Feeling sorry for myself is not the way I live. As we say "I'm fine".
                Nana - there are different sorts of bravery! Being determined to cope with whatever life throws at you is brave in my book! x
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Daisy it is my SIL's Mam the sweetest lady you could find , this is the one I was saying I'm very protective with as she has had some nasty comments from people , I wont stand for that I wade in with my gob I'm afraid
                  Its been over 15 years and has become worse over the years but she never complains , so when she does say she's in pain you know its hurting , on top of that she has collapsed discs in her spine so now in a wheelchair when out and about bless her ,
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Nana, I knew nothing about this condition so really feel for you after reading your posts. I do hope you can get some help, it must really drag you down. I agree with Daisy, different kinds of bravery.

                    Oma, how unkind of people to be nasty, I’d be like you and give them a mouthful I’m afraid. So unnecessary.
                    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                      Its as you leave somewhere and I always go last so hear anything said , I then turn back and lets say educate that person as to why she is a big lady
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        You give it to them Oma, how unkind people can be.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          When we went visit friends a few days ago, she was saying she had been to see the doctor about a bit of pain and swelling in her arm.
                          doctor did say she thinks she has a bit of lymphoedema.
                          My friend had a mastectomy and chemo 18 months ago.

                          Nana, i think you have had a lot to put up, and i hope something can be done to help you.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            My poor MIL had that in both legs. We got her shoes from Cozyfeet but were worried where to go after that, but luckily she stayed within their sizes.
                            She got that she always wore longer skirts to hide her legs, but was hurt by a lady's comment about her feet.
                            She was always a lovely dresser and really loved her shoes, so she must have felt it badly.
                            I really hope they can find you some relief, Nana.


                              Thank you everyone. We all have our poorly bits don't we.😉
                              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                              (Doe Zantamata.)

