Exactly Daisy!!!
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I was awake at 5am this morning. Straight away thoughts crowded in like they'd been waiting for me to wake up. It was as tho' they were jostling for position in the queue. 😄What was strange is that I'd dealt with 3/4 of the stuff years ago. Eg. When my ex took me to Court to stop Maintenance etc. How can I help my daughter? Mum's death. How can I loose weight? I wonder if Qwerty is feeling less stressed now? It just went on until I got up. I gently move the thoughts on, but with a queue of thoughts around the block I didn't stand a chance this morning. How I wish I could Meditate."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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If only I could switch off my internal chatter. Even when I do yoga its there, it never goes away.
Most of it is things that happened years ago.
I am envious of men, they seem to be able to drift of into a world of their own with NO thoughts going round and round in their mind . How do they do it ?Bring me sunshine in your smile.
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Nana - I love your description of thoughts lining up round the block, queuing up to hassle you.
Perhaps what you need is a busker to come along and entertain them while they wait."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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