GJ,what a really good way to start the day with a song in the shower and a fab way of forgetting any worries you may have,any worries I may have would have run away if they heard the pitch of my voice first thing in the morning.
Love this Box idea Gem, came in very handy last night was lying in bed, OH fast asleep, (think his hangover was catching up with him)........ although denied... couldn't get to sleep so all thoughts started going through my head, just kept telling myself, "put them in Gem,s box, put them away", next thing I know I woke up....so worked for me..... thanks Gem good night sleep was had.....
oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no Gem, see that's going be going around my head now, well my singing will defo send me to sleep, as long as I don't sing it out loud....