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A bit of a cheek,


    A bit of a cheek,

    While I was waiting in the doctors yesterday a man came in to ask for a repeat prescription. When he was asked what he needed he replied "Paracetamol ".
    "Is there anything else? "asked the receptionist
    "No that's all " the man said.
    Now I know he was of an age to get free prescriptions and here in Wales all prescriptions are free anyway but I really felt like telling him to go to what I call a "cheapy" shop where he can buy a pack of this painkiller for less than 50p!
    I really feel this is such a waste of NHS money as if enough people are doing it it must add up to quite a sum,not to mention the time and cost of printing out script,having a doctor sign it and then the pharmacist having to dispense it. I suppose some people always want something for nothing,however small the amount. I know sometimes a doctor will tell a patient if he can buy a treatment more cheaply over the counter but this doesn't apply in Wales.
    Rant over but this did seem somewhat cheeky to me!

    Well it was a bit cheeky Clover it's so cheap to buy over the counter , only difference is the quantity in shops you can only buy two packets where the Dr probably gives 100 + at a time
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      To make it even worse some English health authorities are paying £1 for each tablet! Time the people in charge of finance were held accountable for wasting public money.


        I agree. OH has paracetamol on prescription. She had it made up a couple of times, at first and you do get a lot in a box, so they last ages. She doesn't need them on a daily basis, so we just buy cheap packets now and then.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          I was buying them in the supermarket , but , as has been said , you can only get 18 tablets at a time , at 2 , 4 times a day they don't last long , and it is the only painkiller myself and OH are allowed so I don't feel bad getting them on prescription . I do buy the cheapies as well to keep the prescriptions down , but the GP said he would rather be able to check my records and see if I am still taking them !


            When husband had both his knees done (three years ago now!) we went private courtesy of my company. When we were seeing the doctor to leave he told me what medication husband needed including ibruprofen and paracetamol. He said that he would be more than happy to prescribe but it would be a private prescription and therefore expensive. He suggested buying from supermarkets and said they are exactly the same thing. Because of the restrictions I was going up the high street and buying from Supermarket, Superdrug, Boots and the two independent chemists. Felt like a drug dealer!!

            I do agree about the way people take advantage though. I had to get a prescription last November for my cystitis (before my holiday) and went to the chemist with it and a tenner. The assistant said that I didn't have to pay, I obviously looked confused and she said "is this your date of birth?" 22-08-1955. When I confirmed she told me that I got free prescriptions. I assumed that as the pension age had moved (and the bus pass age etc.) so the free prescription thing would move as well. Nice surprise although luckily I don't need a lot of prescriptions.
            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


              You're right ladies. I didn't realise the doctor prescribed them in such large quantities,but thinking about it I suppose some unfortunate people do need large amounts. I' m sorry if anyone on here or their families need them on a regular basis.


                No need to apologise Clover. You weren't to know. We're all entitled to a rant.
                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                (Doe Zantamata.)


                  It was a bit cheeky Clover, but there is always someone who doesn't want to pay.

                  I never use paracetomol, they never seem to work for me.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    I have paracetamol on prescription especially ATM to ease the pain in my shoulder and as others have said you can only buy small quantities. I prefer Ibuprofin but am not allowed them because I take warfarin.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      I think this problem of getting a prescription because you can only buy small amounts over the counter falls into the category of unintended consequences. I don't for one minute think 'They' thought about that when the restrictions on quantities were brought in. I'm not sure of this, but I think you can buy slightly larger quantities OTC from a chemists than you can off the supermarket shelves.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        I think you can buy two of the smaller packs at a time.


                          We can buy 2 small packets in the supermarket - but I wonder if that's because they have a pharmacy counter - even though the Paracetamol are on the shelves?
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            No Daisy it is the law. It has something to do with the amount that can be taken before a fatal dose is administered a cidental or otherwise.
                            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                              Yes, I don't know why they didn't think someone who was intent on doing themselves harm could easily accumulate a fatal dose, but I had a little thought at the back of my mind that the pharmacist had some discretion, rather in the way that some products are only available in pharmacies. I can buy a pain relieving gel at the chemists which has a higher active ingredient content than I could get in a supermarket etc. Sometimes the law is a bit puzzling!
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)

