As I have mentioned on another thread, I am allergic of something in permanent hair dyes. I then discovered a more natural one from Holland And Barratt, and I have stuck to that with no problems.
I coloured my hair on Monday, and by Tuesday night I had a very sore back and sides of neck and top of shoulders. By yesterday morning it was extremely sore and felt hot, like sunburn. I eventually worked out what it was. The colour comes with sachets of shampoo, conditioner and 'anti aging cream', which is a leave in conditioner. I use this cream most but not every, time I colour. I use a small amount as it makes your hair look greasy. I noticed the day after applying it this time that my hair had a 'wet' feel to it, half way between wet and greasy, especially the lower part of my hair. I had obviously over done it with the cream. 'Never mind, I thought, think how much conditioning it is getting!'. This was obviously what had upset my skin. As soon as I made the connection (yesterday morning) I washed my hair. I have taken an antihistamine both mornings and used Sudacrem to try and calm it. It is very slightly better today. I had a similar reaction on the front of my neck to some face cream a couple of years ago, and I just had to sit it out until it subsided.
The puzzling thing is this hair cream only contains natural ingredients, so I have no idea what it is that is affecting me. I have thrown it all away in any case, and won't be using it again!
I coloured my hair on Monday, and by Tuesday night I had a very sore back and sides of neck and top of shoulders. By yesterday morning it was extremely sore and felt hot, like sunburn. I eventually worked out what it was. The colour comes with sachets of shampoo, conditioner and 'anti aging cream', which is a leave in conditioner. I use this cream most but not every, time I colour. I use a small amount as it makes your hair look greasy. I noticed the day after applying it this time that my hair had a 'wet' feel to it, half way between wet and greasy, especially the lower part of my hair. I had obviously over done it with the cream. 'Never mind, I thought, think how much conditioning it is getting!'. This was obviously what had upset my skin. As soon as I made the connection (yesterday morning) I washed my hair. I have taken an antihistamine both mornings and used Sudacrem to try and calm it. It is very slightly better today. I had a similar reaction on the front of my neck to some face cream a couple of years ago, and I just had to sit it out until it subsided.
The puzzling thing is this hair cream only contains natural ingredients, so I have no idea what it is that is affecting me. I have thrown it all away in any case, and won't be using it again!