

Happy birthday

to Granny Jules!
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    Well the time has come for me to start chemo. Today I met with the specialist nurse and consultant to sign consent form. Fortunately DS1 was able to come with me today but won’t be able to be with me during treatment. My head is buzzing with all the info. Luckily I had a written list of questions which I was able to ask. My first course is next Wednesday.Tomorrow I’ve got ANOTHER blood test and I’ve been given a PCR Covid test to do in the morning.😮I got the impression it’s not a very aggressive form of hope side effects are as minimal as possible though when you read the list of possibilities it’s rather daunting!
    I know you lovely ladies will support me all the way so many thanks in advance x

    We certainly will be supporting you all the way Clover.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      We will all be thinking and supporting you Clover, lets hope it all goes well for you.xxxxx


        Clover it’s very daunting and so much info for you to process ,
        At the moment you will feel overwhelmed by it all but as the weeks go on you will be more at home with it all.
        Fingers crossed you won’t have many side effects but remember there are drugs to help with all of it to make you more comfortable.
        When B started I remember the specialist nurse saying we would learn to live with it and I didn’t believe a word but she was right , you get so used to it ,
        If any of us can help in anyway we are here night and day xxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          You're in my thoughts Clover. It certainly is daunting and you'll no doubt come up with lots more questions as your treatment progresses. Blood and Covid tests are par for the course these days I'm afraid!
          Make sure you take a book/ puzzle magazine or something to occupy your mind while you're having your treatment.
          Keep a note of any side effects, as Oma says you can get drugs to help and don't be afraid to ask questions even if you think they're daft! The oncology nurses are there to keep you informed.
          I do hope all goes well next week and please keep us informed as to how you are. Do you know what treatment you're having yet?
          Sending love xx
          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
          Theodore Roosevelt.


            Clover, we will be supporting you all the way.
            Hope any side effects are minimal.
            Whether feel good or bad,please come here and talk to us.XX
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Originally posted by Oma View Post
              Clover it’s very daunting and so much info for you to process ,
              At the moment you will feel overwhelmed by it all but as the weeks go on you will be more at home with it all.
              Fingers crossed you won’t have many side effects but remember there are drugs to help with all of it to make you more comfortable.
              When B started I remember the specialist nurse saying we would learn to live with it and I didn’t believe a word but she was right , you get so used to it ,
              If any of us can help in anyway we are here night and day xxx
              Clover, Oma is speaking from the voice of experience, and my DS1 has found exactly the same. My DIl has always been able to go with him to appointments and she keeps a notebook with all their questions and notes of each meeting. If there is any chance of anybody being able to go with you it would help quite a lot. The Consultant's nurse is also a really valuable friend for reassurance, answers to questions etc. DIL often will email her with any questions they have so they can be addressed at appointments, or, if urgent, before then. There's no such thing as a silly question.

              DS has also kept a diet and symptoms diary which is helpful if you are looking for patterns of how you feel. I do hope there will e minimal side effects but don't be proud about accepting any help you are offered,

              Sending you love, best wishes and prayers. xxx
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I hope all goes well Clover. Don’t forget some headphones and your iPad! Above all, be kind to yourself. A small treat after every course is essential. I will be thinking of you and wishing you minimal side effects. X
                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                Eleanor Roosevelt.


                  Clover, as with everyone else I will be thinking of you. We are here for you, when you may not want to complain to others complain away to us!

                  Wonderful advice from Oma WG and Daisy, who have personal experience.

                  I hope your side effects are minimal, and as Grauntie says treat yourself!

                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Thank you so much everyone. I had my hair cut quite short today to minimise any hair loss or thinning. Xx


                      Clover, that is a strong and positive move. Staying proactive helps enormously we've found. I'm sure your new style suits you as well. xx
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        A very good idea Clover, a nice warm hat is a good idea too xx
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Clover sending the lots of love and virtual hugs .I will be thinking of you all the way through your treatment and recovery xx
                          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                            An excellent move Clover. Does your hospital run the ‘Look good, feel better’ class? If they do, go. I went and had a very enjoyable morning and came home with a bag full of expensive make-up! I have a feeling it was run by MacMillan. Also, if you lose a lot of hair and feel the need for a wig, there are some beauties out there. Three of my friends chose to have wigs and honestly, one would never have known. I was given one via the hospital, it was called ‘the Raquel’. It caused much hilarity in our house as OH (who is as bald as a coot) modelled it for me as I was in hospital when it arrived.
                            Chin up girl, positive vibes heading your way from now on. 😉
                            Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                            Eleanor Roosevelt.


                              Grauntie LOL @ your husband!

                              My friend who lost her hair through chemo (for an aggressive form of breast cancer) had several wigs and she enjoyed the different looks She also wore a little cap at night as she said her head felt cold.

                              Not everyone loses their hair as I'm sure you know Clover x
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

