Tonight picked GS1 up from school and I always ask how his day has gone and if he's had any good lessons , he told us about his science teacher , A French man called Dr Pascal ( think that's the spelling )
Apparently he will only answer to Dr if the children forget and call him Mr or Sir they are given a mark against their names , 3 marks and they get detention , GS1 said this man is always shouting and angry at pupils , luckily GS1 isn't afraid or bothered about him but what about less confident children ?
This sounds like a man with too big a ego to me , When DD came to pick him up I mentioned it to her but she had already dealt with it she informed the school that no way will GS1 be doing detention for calling someone Mr or Sir , it's still being respectful . Different if he was being naughty but not for this . GS1 said he even expects other teachers to address him as Dr and ignores any who don't .
DD said he has little man syndrome puffs his chest out and struts about to make up for his shortness in height . He sounds like a nasty piece of work to me 😠
Apparently he will only answer to Dr if the children forget and call him Mr or Sir they are given a mark against their names , 3 marks and they get detention , GS1 said this man is always shouting and angry at pupils , luckily GS1 isn't afraid or bothered about him but what about less confident children ?
This sounds like a man with too big a ego to me , When DD came to pick him up I mentioned it to her but she had already dealt with it she informed the school that no way will GS1 be doing detention for calling someone Mr or Sir , it's still being respectful . Different if he was being naughty but not for this . GS1 said he even expects other teachers to address him as Dr and ignores any who don't .
DD said he has little man syndrome puffs his chest out and struts about to make up for his shortness in height . He sounds like a nasty piece of work to me 😠