I appear to have been defrauded of £3000 from my business credit card. 
The police rang this morning. I am the victim of theft along with 27 other people who were at this pub/restaurant on the same day.
I rang my bank hoping they would help. They did to an extent, BUT, because I had paid for a meal there earlier in the month, it has to go under further investigation.
I have a crime number, I have been told to email the bank fraud squad with specific information. I've done all this and now I wait to see what can be done.
Obviously I have been in tears. I've been on the phone for hours. Writing this email etc., and there is nothing more I can do. I'm devastated.
This has NOT been a good year at all.

The police rang this morning. I am the victim of theft along with 27 other people who were at this pub/restaurant on the same day.
I rang my bank hoping they would help. They did to an extent, BUT, because I had paid for a meal there earlier in the month, it has to go under further investigation.
I have a crime number, I have been told to email the bank fraud squad with specific information. I've done all this and now I wait to see what can be done.
Obviously I have been in tears. I've been on the phone for hours. Writing this email etc., and there is nothing more I can do. I'm devastated.
This has NOT been a good year at all.