I love the Jo Malone grapefruit shower gel. It smells divine and lasts for ever.
I am not normally in the Jo Malone price bracket and have never bought myself one of her candles , at £50 + each.
However - my auntie has the grapefruit gel as a bathroom hand wash. She had liked it at her DS's house once and her DIL bought her some, and has again since. Auntie has no idea how expensive it is!
I love it so much that in the 2020 lockdown I decided to treat myself. We had few enough pleasure then didn't we, and to smell that every morning was lovely and gave me a little lift.
Expensive it may be, but it really lasts a long time! My OH prefers soap so I have it all to myself. That first bottle must have lasted me for over 2 years. Last June I put it on my birthday list and was given some more by DD2. The level seems to have hardly gone down despite being used most days since last June. I use it unless I have a bath or am away.
I keep it for the shower, I use much cheaper liquid soaps as it's too nice to waste like that!
I just thought I should praise the product for being good quality and long lasting. The other scents will last the same I'm sure, but this is the one I use.
https://www.jomalone.co.uk/product/25956/50543/bath-body/grapefruit-body-hand-wash?cm_mmc=GoogleBase-_-ShoppingFeed-_-BathBody-_-GrapefruitBodyamp;HandWash&size=250ml&gad_source=1 &gclid=Cj0KCQiA5fetBhC9ARIsAP1UMgGSBtN8KkzArpgq iLU-P2Zwvm-tFyfoJAqBazIxBhjtTkhkp98g3RgaAiWNEALw_wcB&gclsrc=a w.ds