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Online grocery shopping


    Whilst I can, I do like to look and choose what I want and I do tend to drift around, often meet friends and have a chat and a coffee. I go every Friday if I can and a Big Issue lady knows me and gets me a trolley and lifts my shopping into the car for a small reward. I don't have any bakers or butchers near me so I shop for the week and stock the freezer too. I do have a very large M&S Food hall quite near so I pop there if I need anything in the week.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      I was a regular on line shopper when at work and used Orcado mainly,since I have been at home all day I have tended to do my own shopping with hubby even under his sufferance as he hates shopping,I will order on line for the heavy stuff such as dog food and cat litter etc and at this time of year all the special bits and bobs
      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


        I can't say my OH loves doing the shopping, but he goes off quite happily and keeps track of special offers and always compares prices, and checks to see if 'offers' really are a good deal. He's gradually learned to do the important things like checking Use By dates, Ringing me before he makes substitues and checking that packaging isn't damaged etc. We had a slight hiccough a few weeks ago when the "Lentil Pouches" on the list were out of stock and he brought home three bags of dried lentils! So instead of super easy, super quick lentils in the pouch needing 50 secs in the microwave we've got enough lentils to keep Gillian McKeith in seventh heaven for months!

        I think it must be his way of going out to hunt woolly mammoths!
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Saturday I am going to do a Sainsbury on line for delivery on Wednesday when we get home Because I got my days mixed up and thought I wasnt back at work until Thursday but we get back early Wednesday morning and I have a telephone conference at 11am. I am very organised usually and am cross with myself for beggaring this up. Still at least we will have something for dinner!
          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

