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Online grocery shopping


    Online grocery shopping

    What do you think of this? Do you use them, do you have a favourite?
    We get a Tesco delivery approximately once a month. No excuse to really as we have 2 cars and can find the time to shop each week. I like to place a big order monthly though with heavy goods and just generally stocking up. I choose a cheap delivery slot.
    In between we shop locally in the village or go to either Sainsburys, Tesco or Asda.
    We generally find the drivers very pleasant and not too many substitutions.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    As i mentioned on another thread I have never done a online shop ,
    Living so near to Asda Sainsbury's , Iceland , Aldi , M&S all within 4-5 mins walking distance I couldn't justify it ,
    Having said that I would use it if both of us were too unwell to go out .
    Also I do like to wander around the supermarket
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      We live ‘in the sticks’ and I regularly (about once a month) get Mr Waitrose to deliver. In between times I use the local farm shop for meat, veg and fruit. Milk and bread is delivered from the village shop and an occasional visit to a co-op/supermarket sorts us out.
      Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


        We use Tesco, we have a delivery every week.
        We have been using Tesco for many years now and we have never had any problems with far, never say never !
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Neither have we Mimi, although we were rather miffed when we received 2 free gifts with our December order last year. 1 cat stocking containing snacks (fab, we have 3 cats, they can share) and one similar one for dogs. We have no dog, never have had almost certainly never will have. As we order alarming amounts of cat food on our delivery and no dog food ever, you would think they would have got that one right!!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            I do a large online supermarket shop monthly. the first one i ever used was Ocado, because they offered me free delivery and a decent discount if i spent a certain amount.

            Last week, i used Morrisons. more often than not i use Asda, for the simple reason i can usually get everything i want/need.
            I have used Tesco a couple of times.
            When doing an online shop,i tend to get too much frozen food. Going to have to watch this for a while.
            I always tick for no substitutions.
            Now and again i will order a chicken, but that is the only fresh meat i get. I prefer to get my meat from my favourite butcher in town.
            When we are out shopping on a weekend,we usually pop into a supermarket to get bread and milk.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Morrisons for us about once a month if I had them every week I would still have to go down and choose my bread and meat , but I have ordered online delivery for when we come home, booked it for 10 pm we land at 7.20 hope the flight isn’t late 😩


                I have only done online shopping when I haven't been able to drive but on some occasions when I have had a rather large shop I have booked a delivery so I don't have to carry it from the car. Waitrose, Tesco's and M&S Food Hall are our closest, we do have a small co-op/post office in the village.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Qwerty, we always have an order for the day we come back from holiday too.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    I used Tesco online quite often before OH retired in August but he doesn’t really approve so now go to a very large Sainsbury’s every 10 days or so that opened a couple of years ago. Occasionally we go to a Tesco which is further afield and we use the nearby Lidl for milk and eggs. The Lidl faced massive opposition initially but is always very busy.


                      I do Sainsbury. Used to be once a week but now usually once a fortnight. It depends on what I am doing that week. As you all know husband is not allowed to drive and it would be a mare for him to do a whole shop via public transport. Anyway I prefer to go on my own if I am no on line shopping as he disappears off. I send him to get for instance a bag of ice and he is off with the trolley and the pinger thingie and I lose him completely. Phone his mobile, nope, it is usually in the dining table at home. I did try Iceland once as I thought the prices were good and the reviews were also good but they went way beyond their delivery slot and I was getting the run around from the customer service department so I cancelled it. The driver called me about an hour later and wasn’t happy as he was outside looking for our door. Most people around here do Tesco but it is only a mile down the road and if there wa anything I desperately needed from there I would get it. Sainsbury however is eight miles away and you have to go on a dual carriageway and then a mSsive roundabout with seventy billion exits which does not bother me except it is always very busy and I don’t have the patience,
                      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                        I think I mentioned somewhere else that OH is really resistant to doing the supermarket shop online, but as long as he goes and does it i don't mind. We've got both Sainsbury's Local and Tesco Express in the village and I hate both of them. They sell exactly the same things as each other, and really cater for the campers in the summer - all year round! We've got a butchers in the village but I got fed up of the lewd and suggestive remarks he made so I don't go, but we do shop in the proper greengrocers and their stuff is much nicer than the supermarkets'. Apart from the chemists and the bakery most of our other shops are now touristy type shops catering for visitors.

                        I sound like a proper grumpy old woman, don't I!!

                        My DS2 and family do Click & Collect at Tesco - it's near where they live and they go past there to pick the GDs up from their other Grans on a Friday, so it's really easy to collect on their way. But of course, they do then have to carry it in from the car which then means they have to carry it from their car park to the house.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          One of the reasons I started online shopping was to make life a little easier for me as I was working part time as well as being dad’s full time carer . Along with all the jobs to do at home going shopping for the family and dad was taking up precious time that could be spent elsewhere. I was to combine ours and dad’s shopping in one delivery. It was a Godsend
                          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                            Mimi, I would have loved online shopping when I was working full time. I used to go straight from work on a Friday night and shop for the week, come home unpack etc and left everyone to forage for themselves while I collapsed exhausted with a glass of wine to watch Gardeners World!!
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              It is indeed a godsend at certain times in life Mimi, and often when you consider the cost of petrol unless you live next to the store, not an expensive option, when you choose the cheaper delivery slots.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

