I first made the acquaintance of Herbert over two years ago. He was introduced to me by our son-in-law who explained his many virtues and attributes. He’s ‘fairly’ unobtrusive, lives on a wall and is the gift that keeps on giving. The gifts take the form of a year round supply of herbs, lollo rosso, frisée, rocket, chicory, lambs lettuce .... you get the idea. And all you have to do, is keep him supplied with seeds and water.
Now this Herbert has been languishing in their storage shed and very sad he’s been. No chance to display his talents and was feeling unloved. However, he has now been rescued, installed in pride of place in his, and their, new home and is giving his all.
So impressed was I, that I ordered a companion for my DH who had been giving him longing looks.
All went well, Herbert #2 is made in Austria but was happy to join his companion in Britain. Until - yet another consequence of Brexit struck. Herbert’s new dad received a demand for £66 in import duty. And another £50 carriage as we’re not in the EU.
That’s a lot of money on top of what he cost. Even if we are spared for a fair few years longer, I doubt that we shall consume sufficient greenstuff to cover his cost.
Anyway, I paid that (had no choice as I’d already paid for Herbert) and waited all day for Herbert to arrive. No show. I will spare you the details of dealing with DHL but suffice it say that it took three hours to make contact with this dreadful company with the telephone bill increasing by the minute. The almost brain dead person at the other end had no explanation but has said it will arrive on Monday. So - another wasted day stuck indoors.
And if my blood pressure carries me off shortly I can only console myself by knowing that DD and SiL will have a brother for their Herbert. They will have to rename him Grünbert.