I always keep the worktop clear and wiped down every night,my mum always said that you should never go to bed with items in the sink it made the whole kitchen look untidy the next morning and I have always followed her advice.
Microfibre cloths are in abundance here John used them for cleaning the inside of his car and I found about 6 x packs when clearing the shed so he had plenty "just in case".
So as not to over wet my floors I use Mr Shine spray floor cleaner and wipe off with one of those wide noodle mops it polishes at the same time and brings up the flooring beautifully.
Microfibre cloths are in abundance here John used them for cleaning the inside of his car and I found about 6 x packs when clearing the shed so he had plenty "just in case".
So as not to over wet my floors I use Mr Shine spray floor cleaner and wipe off with one of those wide noodle mops it polishes at the same time and brings up the flooring beautifully.