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Cleaning materials


    I always keep the worktop clear and wiped down every night,my mum always said that you should never go to bed with items in the sink it made the whole kitchen look untidy the next morning and I have always followed her advice.
    Microfibre cloths are in abundance here John used them for cleaning the inside of his car and I found about 6 x packs when clearing the shed so he had plenty "just in case".
    So as not to over wet my floors I use Mr Shine spray floor cleaner and wipe off with one of those wide noodle mops it polishes at the same time and brings up the flooring beautifully.
    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


      I like the microfibre cloths. According to hubby, i will buy any cleaner that comes in a spray bottle.
      Must admit he's right. I like my Karcher for windows,tiles and mirrors.
      I'm also a fan of Zoflora, and i also have the magic sponges.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Yes Lizzie the white sponge blocks , you just wet them and squeeze water out and they take scuff marks etc from walls and paint work but they also work well on stainless steel sinks ,
        You have to be careful using them on PVC frames or doors as they can take the shine off if you rub too hard but i find they the only thing that take the black marks off quickly ,

        Daisy i ruined some of my micro fibre cloths when i washed them and put fabric soft on them, they didnt work as good , i like them on the TV screen or the laptop screen they none static unless you ruin them like i did
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Oma "whoops" I put a few microfibre cloths in the washing machine this morning and automatically added conditioner I must go and check how they are
          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


            I'll have to remember to wash my microfibre cloths separately, won't I!

            I've just Googled magic eraser sponges, and there seem to be lots of different makes. Is any one better than the others? If they clean the grout on our tiled cloakroom floor I'll be ordering them by the lorry-load!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Daisy i dont buy expensive ones , they all do the same job , some are bigger than others but they dont last long ,
              all break down after a few uses or if its something very tough so not worth shelling a lot of money out on them but im never without them

              The best thing i have found for grout it Astonish Mould spray in the Blue and white bottle , spray it on and leave for as long as possible then wash off , it stinks of bleach but works a treat
              I sprayed my bathroom tiles on Tuesday went out with MIL and totally forgot about it till i went to bed so just sprayed them down with the shower head and they came up lovely the grout was white again , i think leaving it is the key,

              Another good one is the Mould spray from HG but lord does it stink for a day or two , its three times the price of Vanish though
              Last edited by Oma; 05-09-2020, 07:00 AM.
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oma - I can see I'll have to have a buying spree! I've got some sort of mould spray, but it doesn't seem to clean grimy (not mouldy) grout. I'll have to try the Astonish one. Leaving it on because I've forgotten about it is quite normal for me! I often do it with loo cleaner, then find 'someone' has used the loo and flushed it all away before I've scrubbed it!

                I'll definitely have to try the magic sponges, although I'm a bit disappointed they don't wiz round on their own like in the Disney film Fantasia.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Oh if only Daisy hahaha
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    I have taken note of all your advice Oma.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

