Qwerty talking about getting bigger paddling pool made me me think a new thread is in order!
We had a small circular inflatable one for GD, similar to the one I had for her mum and aunties. It was fine for a while. As the GC grew bigger, in size and number something else was needed.
We didn't want it on our lawn all summer, so didn't want a rigid above ground one, but one which was easy to put up then put away again if the weather changed, we didn't see GC for a week, or we wanted the whole lawn available.
Last year we bought a rectangular 2 tier inflatable one. Although it is big, with the electric pump it blows up quickly.
All the CG love it. OH and I can easily both lie out in this pool with room to spare. We have said we will when it is really hot, but haven't yet.
We had a small circular inflatable one for GD, similar to the one I had for her mum and aunties. It was fine for a while. As the GC grew bigger, in size and number something else was needed.
We didn't want it on our lawn all summer, so didn't want a rigid above ground one, but one which was easy to put up then put away again if the weather changed, we didn't see GC for a week, or we wanted the whole lawn available.
Last year we bought a rectangular 2 tier inflatable one. Although it is big, with the electric pump it blows up quickly.
All the CG love it. OH and I can easily both lie out in this pool with room to spare. We have said we will when it is really hot, but haven't yet.
