Do they have to eat them?.
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Loving your garden
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With other lilies the main danger is the pollen, as just a small bit can prove fatal. Most cats past kitten stage wont eat flowers or bulbs, but if pollen gets onto them they lick it off, so that is the big danger.
Daffodills are bad for them too. My cat (who lived to be 19) loved to drink daffodil water but I stopped her once I read of the dangers and never filled vases full enough for her to drink out of after that.
Thanks Nan2 for telling us about alstroemeria and cats.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Thanks for that information Nan2 well worth knowing,we are just in the process of lifting up the lawn (we only have a smallish garden but nice and square) to one side there is a Man Shed and a good area for wirley washing line we are going to lay artificial grass as the turf has been ruined by Dolly's wee, until she arrived everything was fine as Poppy only goes when she goes for a walk she has never gone in the garden for some reason.Either side of the lawn we have large pots filled with roses and other annual bulbs across the back wall roses climb up the wall they where here when we moved in they are a delight to look at.
We should have the grass laid next week when the underlining is laid then just sit back and admire.Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Daisy I promise I will have my DGS come to my house and ajust my lap-top to take the pictures if you remember I have the settings wrong and they will not load.I will get him to do it next week now he has finished school he is going to come over and set up netflix on my TV so he can kill two birds so to speak xKeep Calm,You're Fabulous
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I love my garden too. I do a tour in my dressing gown with my morning cuppa most days. I cannot resist collecting seeds and taking cuttings. I spend far too much money on the garden every year.Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
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Grauntie - that's two of us wandering round the garden at first light in our dressing gowns. I pretend I'm keeping an eye on Eva, but she's often shot back in to the house and back to bed before I've got half way round!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Just been watching this busy bee in the hollyhocks. She was covered in pollen, her little fat body wobbled a lot as she tried to take off again. Hope she makes it 🐝You do not have permission to view this gallery.
This gallery has 2 photos."Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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