I often find I go into the garden and all I can see is 'jobs' - weeding, staking, planting, pruning, mowing the lawn, trimming the edges. Tonight I decided I would just appreciate the plants that are doing their 'thing' and giving pleasure.
I felt so much better for that, and it was very easy to ignore the jobs! The roses on the fence (very pale pinky-mauve and white) were looking great in the fading light, all the hydrangeas are in bloom, even the naughty Annabel, my favourite fuchsia is just opening, the banana plants are looking fairly healthy, and there's plenty of colour from the annuals in pots.
And of course my daisies are flowering their little heads off at this time of year.
It was so peaceful and the tomatoes got a really good soaking, as I stood there fore ages!!
I felt so much better for that, and it was very easy to ignore the jobs! The roses on the fence (very pale pinky-mauve and white) were looking great in the fading light, all the hydrangeas are in bloom, even the naughty Annabel, my favourite fuchsia is just opening, the banana plants are looking fairly healthy, and there's plenty of colour from the annuals in pots.
And of course my daisies are flowering their little heads off at this time of year.

It was so peaceful and the tomatoes got a really good soaking, as I stood there fore ages!!
