A few days ago I was using the old hissy thing.Somehow leaning across to reach for a hanger I caught the back of my arm just above the elbow,on the face of the iron which was standing on it’s heel. Obviously it hurt so I ran cold water over it and because I couldn’t see it I didn’t think too much about it.However later on I decided to look at in the mirror and was quite shocked to see the size of the burn.about 2 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide. Luckily I had some large dressings which covered it.When the family arrived at the weekend they were horrified as it looked ghastly.They insisted I got advice so I asked the local Pharmasist. She said it wasn’t infected so just carry on with the dressings.She said it would probably take a good while to heal.I’m pleased to say it is improving but it is a warning to all- Stay away from the iron,
