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It costs HOW much???


    Plant - the upholsterer who gave us the quote thought the fabric was some kind of curtain fabric, and as you can see it's quite worn in places. But they are reversible, which is very handy with small children around!

    Perhaps we should do some more research, although I'm more attracted to the idea of a new dining suite!
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Dining Room suite of that quality would be quite expensive.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        As a temporary measure (before you get your new suite ) could you perhaps just have square seat pads made? Then no need to worry about the complicated shape.


          Strike while the iron’s hot Daisy....
          Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
          Eleanor Roosevelt.


            Daisy ah now I understand your problem they are a specialist shape I would consider a square shape if possible but can see why you like the shape of these original ones.
            Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


              We could do just square one I suppose, but they would leave quite a lot of the wooden seat uncovered, so don't know how they'd look.

              Plant - yes, a replacement like that would be expensive, but to be honest, I would choose something lighter, simpler and more modern. OH is the one who likes antiques and old things - he includes me in that!!!

              I'm leaning towards Grauntie's advice - but I know it will have to be the kind of gradual planting of ideas like Oma said. Hey ho! We've been in this house over 20 years and I still haven't managed to get rid of the dining room carpet which is stained, faded and doesn't suit the room at all!!! OH can see nothing wrong with it.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Your OH and I have the same taste Daisy, mostly old and antique here but not faded stained carpet, surely you could win the day there Daisy.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Oohh awkward little devils to reupholster Daisy


                    Plant - you'd think I could win the day over the carpet wouldn't you! You have no idea how many times the subject has been 'discussed'!!!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)

