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Easter weekend

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    Easter weekend

    Easter is almost upon us. Have you any fun plans, or just eating chocolate and pottering in the garden?!

    We have a pretty free time, which is nice. No hospital trips after tomorrow until next Tuesday. We have a couple of things to do, including going to a friends art exhibition in one of the neighbouring village halls, but no firm plans apart from a family day at DD2's on Friday.
    She usually hosts such a day for family and friends over the Easter weekend (I did it last year however as GS2's arrival was imminent!) This is joint Easter and belated birthday celebrations for the baby. We celebrated on the actual day, April 6th already.

    We are having a buffet, I will take sandwiches and chocolate rice crispie cakes with mini eggs on. There was some slight drama as my mum announced that she will not eat meat on Good Friday. I knew she ate fish on that day and that it is a tradition, but I knew nothing about not eating meat (and neither did the rest of my family) I assured her I will make plenty of egg and tuna sandwiches, and just to steer clear of the ham and sausage rolls etc!

    I bought the 3 GG nice Easter gift bags (69p from Home Bargains ) I put an Easter egg and a soft toy - bunny for GD, chick for the boys - and for the older two some Easter bubbles and a card for each. Not a lot of money spent but they enjoy opening presents!

    It is our anniversary on Friday too, so I think we may celebrate in some way over the weekend, A meal out on Saturday maybe. It is getting overlooked somewhat this year with Easter and hospital trips!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    We usually spend Easter Sunday at our friends (SIL,s Parents) but this year we are taking MIL to BIL,s (Martin) for lunch to celebrate her 83rd Birthday ,
    We gave the two youngest their Easter eggs last weekend , and we had J this afternoon so gave him his Money today , hes not keen on chocolate and getting too old for Easter eggs so we have been told ,so money a better option, Might do something Easter Monday but no plans yet
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Nothing planned here,15th is My Matthews 37th Birthday boths DD's are having easter egg hunt etc at eldest DD's place. Not been asked as yet and hopefully will get away with a peaceful Easter weekend,we have loads to do here so happy to be home and get stuck in.
      "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


        No speficic plans here for Easter weekend. Neither of the boys can come Sunday, so we are having a meal today.
        Just put a lamb fillet and a pork fillet in the slow cooker.
        Rosie is here, because she can't come at the weekend.
        Gem, i knew about the tradition of not eating meat on Good Friday, but i didn't used to abide by it.
        Friday is fish and chip day for us now,so it will be fish for us.
        Last edited by Nanto2girls; 13-04-2017, 05:30 AM.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Nothing planned but chocolate and gardening might be a consideration 😆
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            Reading this thread reminded me that I used to make a really big thing of Easter when our sons were little - house cleaned from top to bottom (yes, honestly!), new outfits, carefully chosen chocolate eggs, egg painting etc, etc, lots of Easter goodies, including a Simnel cake, leg of lamb, new potatoes, all the trimmings, and often friends or family coming to stay. We moved around a lot, so it was a way of keeping up with friends.

            This year, I've sent money to both grandsons, like Oma's J, they are getting too grown up for eggs and the money is always welcome. DS2 and DIL don't often give the girls chocolate, but do buy them quite big presents - I think GD1 is getting a new bike - because their birthdays are at the wrong time for outdoor presents like that. I've stocked up on clothes for them - not very exciting, but GD1 loves new clothes, and GD2 needs some.

            We're going to our neices' for lunch on Saturday. Her parents (OH's sister and BIL) are down from North Wales, so it will be lovely to see them all. Other than that I think it will just be driven by the weather - gardening, allotment or reorganising the utility room cupboards which are driving me mad because they're full to overflowing!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Daisy, I think DD2 is at that stage you mention now! Her regular cleaners did a 3 hour deep clean last week! She organises egg hunts, Easter crafts etc for the children at the party. She is a born host though and always goes the extra mile, more than once when she has been leaving the following morning to go away for work for a few days
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                I enjoyed all the socialising and entertaining at the time, Gem, just like your DD2. I saw it as part of creating traditions and memories for the boys, as well as maintaining contact with good friends. I was never much of a letter writer, which was the other main way of keeping in touch with people in the 1970s. Things are much easier with social media at our fingertips. I must have been a lot better organised than I am now, though! Regular cleaners would have been an unheard of luxury! I didn't have a cleaner until I was teaching full-time and doing a uni course as well. But I wasn't also having to leave the next day for work reasons, which adds a whole new load of jobs in terms of leaving the family to fend for themselves! Your DD2 is a very busy lady.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  She is very busy Daisy, and a perfectionist They have big house and a cleaner is a necessity for them.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Gem - she certainly does need a cleaner. I think in a funny sort of way help is the house is more affordable than it was back in the 70s. I also think families where both partners work need and deserve help.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      I would have a cleaner now if I won the lottery
                      Otherwise no excuse with 2 of us, fairly able bodied and plenty of free time. Maybe I should actually do the lottery, to fulfil my dream!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        I have woken up with a cold so I will be keeping well away from the family. My DD has the family coming on Sunday but I will not go in I don't want to spread it around, I think the new little one is coming. I am going to pop out and get all jobs done and then I will not have to go again when the shops get busy for Easter. No eggs to buy, youngest two are 16 and nearly 18, they would rather have money.

                        Daisy, we didn't have Easter eggs being just after the war but we had new clothes.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Oh dear, take care and get rid of your cold quickly Plant xx
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            We have DD,SIL and GC coming for weekend.Beds all made up and meals organised.Just a long session with sucky up thing and I think I'm ready.Waiting for Mr Tesco to deliver now.
                            Hope everyone has the Easter they hope for.


                              Plant - I can't remember getting chocolate eggs when I was a child either - everything was still on ration. In fact I can't remember anything about Easter except the various church activities and services during Holy Week. I do hope your cold clears up quickly - it would be a pity to miss seeing the family. Is it definitely a cold and not a touch of hayfever - I'm walking round with a pocket full of hankies, and I think it's the tree pollen.

                              Clover - you sound very well organised. I hope you've now done with the sucky up thingy and are sitting with your feet up, ready for your busy week-end.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)

