New Years Day, Valentines Day and Mothers Day have all gone - full speed ahead now to Easter 
Is Easter a family celebration for you, a religious one, do you go on holiday? Or none of these, do you just get on and ignore it?!
We have hot cross buns, and we will probably have fish on Good Friday. At home we always did, so I think I just follow that pattern.
Traditionally we try to get together as family on Easter Sunday. This has been at DD2s since GD arrived, with roast lamb, and an Easter Egg hunt in their garden. (which is large and no one ever finds all the eggs!)
This year her baby is due a few days after Easter so I offered to host Easter Sunday. DD will either be heavily pregnant, have a newborn, or maybe even be in labour! I live much closer to the hospital than they do, and GD will be here with us of course, so I think that is the day GS should arrive. After DDs lunch, of course
OH is golfing on Easter Monday, so I'm not sure if I will take a day to myself or get together with DD1... or maybe be visiting new GS!!


Is Easter a family celebration for you, a religious one, do you go on holiday? Or none of these, do you just get on and ignore it?!
We have hot cross buns, and we will probably have fish on Good Friday. At home we always did, so I think I just follow that pattern.
Traditionally we try to get together as family on Easter Sunday. This has been at DD2s since GD arrived, with roast lamb, and an Easter Egg hunt in their garden. (which is large and no one ever finds all the eggs!)
This year her baby is due a few days after Easter so I offered to host Easter Sunday. DD will either be heavily pregnant, have a newborn, or maybe even be in labour! I live much closer to the hospital than they do, and GD will be here with us of course, so I think that is the day GS should arrive. After DDs lunch, of course

OH is golfing on Easter Monday, so I'm not sure if I will take a day to myself or get together with DD1... or maybe be visiting new GS!!
