Holiday time will soon be here, and some of us need swimsuits all year round for swimming or aquafit classes.
Where do you buy your swimsuits from?
Most of mine have been from M and S or BHS (sadly no more) I have occasionally bought online.
Since my radiotherapy I would prefer one which is straight across the top , rather than a V between the cups. I am concerned that the tiny black 'tattoo' will show, although OH assures me that no one else will notice.
I just wondered where you buy yours?
Where do you buy your swimsuits from?
Most of mine have been from M and S or BHS (sadly no more) I have occasionally bought online.
Since my radiotherapy I would prefer one which is straight across the top , rather than a V between the cups. I am concerned that the tiny black 'tattoo' will show, although OH assures me that no one else will notice.
I just wondered where you buy yours?
