What is your wardrobe like?
The clothes of course, not the actual furniture
Is it organised into colours, types of clothes and seasons, or just a mish mash?
Do you frequently sort through the clothes, discarding any you don't wear, don't like any more, or that don't fit you?
Or do you put them back, thinking you may wear it one day (even if you haven't for the last 7 years) or you may slim into it?
There is a degree of organisation to my wardrobe. Trousers and jeans are in one wardrobe, dresses, skirts and jackets in another, and tops in another. I have an extra wardrobe in the spare room. That is my 'changeover' wardrobe. In early summer I put my heavier tops and jumpers in there, moving the summer tops from there to my wardrobe in my bedroom. In late autumn I reverse this process, bringing the warmer tops into my room, moving summer tops back to the spare room.
I am not very good at throwing anything away, clothing included. I have to steel myself to do it. When I do, and give some away to the charity shops and anything too tatty put in the bin I feel better and don't miss the items. My instinct is just to return everything to the wardrobe though 'just in case'!
I seem to have a lot in my wardrobes, but not an awful lot that I actually wear regularly!
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The clothes of course, not the actual furniture
Is it organised into colours, types of clothes and seasons, or just a mish mash?
Do you frequently sort through the clothes, discarding any you don't wear, don't like any more, or that don't fit you?
Or do you put them back, thinking you may wear it one day (even if you haven't for the last 7 years) or you may slim into it?
There is a degree of organisation to my wardrobe. Trousers and jeans are in one wardrobe, dresses, skirts and jackets in another, and tops in another. I have an extra wardrobe in the spare room. That is my 'changeover' wardrobe. In early summer I put my heavier tops and jumpers in there, moving the summer tops from there to my wardrobe in my bedroom. In late autumn I reverse this process, bringing the warmer tops into my room, moving summer tops back to the spare room.
I am not very good at throwing anything away, clothing included. I have to steel myself to do it. When I do, and give some away to the charity shops and anything too tatty put in the bin I feel better and don't miss the items. My instinct is just to return everything to the wardrobe though 'just in case'!
I seem to have a lot in my wardrobes, but not an awful lot that I actually wear regularly!
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