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How do you feel about your grey hair?


    I'm loving the white streaks coming through and have decided to keep them
    Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


      I am completely grey, but my hairdresser tells me never to colour it because it is such a lovely colour that others have their hair coloured to look like it. I started to go grey very early, about 30 I think. I grew my hair into a bob, but then didn't like it, didn't suit me. So I have had it cut shorter which looks so much nicer.


        Mine's salt & pepper too. I have roots done & highlights & cut. Mum & my Nan have/had beautiful silver hair. I've wanted my hair like theirs for ages. You'd think it would have gone white with all the stresses over the last 20yrs or so. No such luck.

        My OH says he didn't have a grey hair on his head til he met me. He's now very grey & distinguished looking. 😎
        "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

        (Doe Zantamata.)


          Originally posted by Mamar* View Post
          My OH says he didn't have a grey hair on his head til he met me. He's now very grey & distinguished looking. 😎
          In that case, he should be very grateful to you, Mamar*

          Ladies, thank you for the compliments

          Mamma-mia - my hairdressers over the years have said the smae, and also that they couldn't guarantee how such white hair would take colour. Still, it saves me a fortune in hairdressers' bills, and I never have to worry about my roots.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            as usual I am the most high maintenance grandma on here! After I had chemo (20 years ago now) my hair grew back straight instead of wavy and a completely different colour. I did have a really nice reddy brown colour and very thick. Red is in my family great Uncoe, uncle, brother, nephew so it wasn't unusual. When it grew back it was a sort of dirty mousey colour so I started putting my own colour on but I am a bit useless with that as I get it EVERYWHERE! Now I can afford it I go and have a colour and highlights put in, used to be every six weeks but now it is when I think I need it as it is £90 a time EEK! My grey is only at the roots and when I am wearing my hair up or back (most of the time) and the grey is coming through it looks like I am wearing a white hairband! I use brown dry shampoo to cover and I also have a cover stick which I use from time to time if it is looking really rubbish. Luckily I am able to take some time during the day with my current role so I am going to have the biz on Friday GULP £97'for Ben's shoes, £116 for the other two, £90 for hair ....... Might have to have a quick peek at the cheque account.
            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


              What is this brown dry shampoo, Zizi? You have mentioned it before.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                What is this brown dry shampoo, Zizi? You have mentioned it before.
                it is Batiste dry shampoo and you can get it in Superdrug and Boots etc. It has been around for years but only in the last few years have they done one specifically for dark hair, before that it was always white which sometimes showed if you didn't brush it out hard. What it does is to absorb any grease, my hair gets greasy when I am stressed, it also thickens the hair especially if I have just washed mine as it is usually too soft to put up in a bun and falls out! Superdrug do their own brand but I did not find it as good. It is good as a stand by if you are having a bad hair day or don't have time to actually wash your hair before going out.
                If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                  I don't use the dry shampoo at home,but I always take it with me, when I am on my travels.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Thank you Tizzy, that's worth knowing about.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      OH's hair was almost black but he went grey in his mid 20s as did both his parents. Now he is a silver haired old gent. It worked well as he was quite young when he started his own business but everyone assumed he was much older. My hair didn't start to go grey til mid 40s and I started to colour it then. I recently used an e-colour and it worked very well but a bit pricey. I like the colour but thinking about getting some highlights to shzush it up a bit, Wish I could have a peak at what it would like uncoloured and then make up my mind. Some of my friends have lovely all over grey or silver hair but I fear mine will be pure salt and pepper and a bit of a mess.

