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How do you feel about your grey hair?


    How do you feel about your grey hair?

    How do you feel about your grey hair? Will you dye it till you die? Or will you/have you embraced your natural colour? Does society focus on youthfulness and/or influence your decision?
    Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot

    Don't have much grey. I have lighter highlights in summer and a red tone in the winter. My hair is like my hat, I change it all the time.
    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
    Eleanor Roosevelt.


      I want to like my grey hair, in fact I want to be able to accept my grey hair but I honestly have to say that I dye my hair to hide the grey because it's the 'done thing' .
      Ever since my early 30s I have been dying my hair to hide grey hair. At first it was what I wanted to do, in fact I have been almost every colour going but now we are bombarded with ads proclaiming that we ladies of a certain age should hide the grey , if we don't we will become old , unattractive and invisible.
      This goes against everything that is me. I have always bucked the trend, so why do I carry on every few weeks colouring my hair ?
      I do like the colour my hair is at the moment, it's a mid blonde colour. My original hair colour would have been brunette so it's much lighter than it should be and as I have a pale complexion it suits me better (even if I do say so myself)
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        I had every colour going when I was younger., but For about 30 years I used to dye my some shade of blonde.It must be 3 years since I dyed my hair, and I have quite a bit of grey hair now. I don't mind the grey now its all grey,but didn't like it when it was patchy.
        Don't know if any of you have noticed, but there are quite a few young girls/ladies having their hair done in some shade of grey.
        I buy a shampoo called A Touch of Silver, to make grey hair shine,but it doesn't make mine shine. I will have to see if there any more shampoo's for grey hair.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Just wanted to add, I love the colour of Granny Jules hair.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            I started to go grey while I was a teenager! I dyed it all sorts of dark colours until I was about 30-ish (my original colour was dark brown). By then it was mostly grey so I just left it. I've never coloured it since and it's more or less white. I'm quite happy with it, but when I was younger people used to ask me if I dyed it grey!!
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              I dye my hair only semi permanent as im hoping one day i will wake up and its all silver grey , the grey i have is lovely but its only my fringe and sides around my ears that are silver grey ,Daisys is a lovely silver , my mother was 72 when she died and still had natural chestnut colour with a sprinkle of the odd silver hairs at the side no where else
              Last edited by Oma; 10-08-2015, 09:18 AM.
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                I always coloured my hair, usually a reddish brown (I'm naturally mid brown) but gave up when it started to go a funny pinky colour over my grey bits. When I had it really short I sometimes used a brown mousse but since I've grown my hair to a jaw length bob I've had a few highlights just to blend the salt and pepper . If I was completely white I would leave it but at the moment it's still not completely grey so I'll stick with the highlights for.a while. I've been told it looks nice but it's still a shock to look in the mirror and see myself with such light streaks .
                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                  Mine has been blonde "out of a bottle" for many years my natural colour is a sort of dirty blonde which I started highlighting in my 20s,it takes two boxes of Nice & Easy to get the job done and I do it every 3 months,I just could not afford to have it done professionally with the length of it I intend to keep on doing it as long as I can and at the moment don't have any thoughts about having it cut shorter.
                  Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                    I was a redhead and I have never dyed my hair. I still have a lot of auburn in my hair so I am not obviously grey sort of pepper and salt. I have a friend who is the same colour as Daisy's.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      If I had lovely silver hair like Daisy, I would be happy to allow to to go natural. I am dark, with grey mixed. As I like my hair longish, it's not a good look!!
                      I had a problem with permanent hair dye when I recently switched from semi permanent . I now use Naturtint permanent by Holland and Barratt. I have no problems with it and like the colour.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Originally posted by Nanto2girls View Post
                        Just wanted to add, I love the colour of Granny Jules hair.
                        Oh its lovely isn't it her hair, as is the style she has it in a very attractive woman think she needs to be told now and again


                          Its not often natural blondes will go a lovely silver colour I am very salt and pepper, I will try and remain blonde for as long as I am able be it out of a bottle or whatever means


                            I'm grey and have never coloured my hair. I thought once I started I wouldn't be able to stop so I just went with the flow!


                              I was natural blonde till I had my babies and then it went a sort of mousey colour which I now help back to blonde , well the salon does at a cost of £65 every 6 weeks or so. I don't know if I have any grey hair as I don't see my natural colour!
                              Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown

