I think Oma has probably seen my OH's sellotaped glasses 
These are over the counter type reading glasses which she bought online some years ago. They broke, she sent them back. The next ones broke and they wouldn't replace those.
The lens falls out unless held in place by sellotape. We have often been with friends and someone will ask ' Is that sellotape on your glasses?'
Very embarrassing.
Yesterday the sellotape gave up the ghost so the lens won't stay in, rendering the glasses useless .
On the same day the arm fell off her prescription distance glasses! Not a screw out unfortunately, broken off somehow.
So now she had no glasses apart from sunglasses.
We went the hotel reception after dinner last night, borrowed tape and scissors, so the reading glasses are functional again .
We are hoping it's bright enough for her to drive home in her prescription sunglasses on Tuesday. If not she will have to manage with single armed glasses!
Our prescriptions are totally different so she can't wear my glasses, and I'm only licensed to drive an automatic car so can't drive hers!

These are over the counter type reading glasses which she bought online some years ago. They broke, she sent them back. The next ones broke and they wouldn't replace those.
The lens falls out unless held in place by sellotape. We have often been with friends and someone will ask ' Is that sellotape on your glasses?'

Very embarrassing.
Yesterday the sellotape gave up the ghost so the lens won't stay in, rendering the glasses useless .
On the same day the arm fell off her prescription distance glasses! Not a screw out unfortunately, broken off somehow.
So now she had no glasses apart from sunglasses.
We went the hotel reception after dinner last night, borrowed tape and scissors, so the reading glasses are functional again .
We are hoping it's bright enough for her to drive home in her prescription sunglasses on Tuesday. If not she will have to manage with single armed glasses!
Our prescriptions are totally different so she can't wear my glasses, and I'm only licensed to drive an automatic car so can't drive hers!