As I walked towards the subway I noticed something strange. A brick wall had been built across the entrance. I walked towards it and suddenly found I was the other side of it. I had just walked through a solid brick wall!
But that was not what was bothering me it was more the cold evil feeling that seemed to surround me like a damp thick fog. I needed to get away from here so I turned around and walked back the way I came. Back through a solid brick wall.
The next day I walked pass the subway again the wall was still there but now a few bricks missing and the very same feeling of evil was to be felt all around but with it came the feeling of despair.
I decided to go home where it would be far more warm and comforting. I unlocked the front door hung the keys up, took off my coat and shoes and opened the kitchen door only to find that across the width of my kitchen someone or something had built a brick wall which stood from floor to ceiling in solid ( but I could walk through it)
That's' as far as I have got with this.
But that was not what was bothering me it was more the cold evil feeling that seemed to surround me like a damp thick fog. I needed to get away from here so I turned around and walked back the way I came. Back through a solid brick wall.
The next day I walked pass the subway again the wall was still there but now a few bricks missing and the very same feeling of evil was to be felt all around but with it came the feeling of despair.
I decided to go home where it would be far more warm and comforting. I unlocked the front door hung the keys up, took off my coat and shoes and opened the kitchen door only to find that across the width of my kitchen someone or something had built a brick wall which stood from floor to ceiling in solid ( but I could walk through it)
That's' as far as I have got with this.