I was very proud of them at the time as I was self taught , I saw some in a Magazine one year and decided to give them a go ,
There was a shop about 1 hours drive from us that sold all the bits and paints etc but didn't give lessons ,
The first ones I tried were just Hen eggs and I didn't try cutting them for a while ,just painted and decorated ,
Then bought a few Goose eggs and practiced cutting on damaged eggs first using a little hack saw just to cut them in half , before I took the plunge and bought a Dremmel tool .
There was a shop about 1 hours drive from us that sold all the bits and paints etc but didn't give lessons ,
The first ones I tried were just Hen eggs and I didn't try cutting them for a while ,just painted and decorated ,
Then bought a few Goose eggs and practiced cutting on damaged eggs first using a little hack saw just to cut them in half , before I took the plunge and bought a Dremmel tool .