My 20 month old grandson must be one of the very easiest to put down for nap.
He gave up his morning nap some months ago, and has an early afternoon nap. He generally goes around 1 and has 2 to 3 hours.
After lunch we play a bit and I say 'Are you tired? Would you like to go up to your cot to see teddy and dummy?'
Well he couldn't look more pleased had I said 'Shall we will sit in the middle of a toy shop eating sweets?'
He grins,nods says yes and sets off for the stairs eagerly!
He climbs the stairs with me behind him. I hand him his dummy, lift him into his cot, he cuddles teddy and lays down. Sometimes I hear him chattering via the monitor for 5 or 10 minutes, and then he's asleep!
He gave up his morning nap some months ago, and has an early afternoon nap. He generally goes around 1 and has 2 to 3 hours.
After lunch we play a bit and I say 'Are you tired? Would you like to go up to your cot to see teddy and dummy?'
Well he couldn't look more pleased had I said 'Shall we will sit in the middle of a toy shop eating sweets?'
He grins,nods says yes and sets off for the stairs eagerly!
He climbs the stairs with me behind him. I hand him his dummy, lift him into his cot, he cuddles teddy and lays down. Sometimes I hear him chattering via the monitor for 5 or 10 minutes, and then he's asleep!