I've mentioned elsewhere that my 16 year old GS2 is doing a holiday scheme programme with a mixture of activities and is enjoying it very much.
When our children were young there never seemed much for them to do unless mum and dad organised things for them, but now there seem to be all sorts of activities on offer.
My GD1 has just finished a week-long theatre course and her mum and dad went to see their performance last night. GD2 is taking cookery lessons run by a lady who was a chef at a local very famous hotel. She did the first morning yesterday and loved every minute.
There are hundreds of free activities organised within our county taking place in schools etc, but there doesn't seem to be a single source of information about all that's on offer.
How are your school-age GCs enjoying the holidays?
When our children were young there never seemed much for them to do unless mum and dad organised things for them, but now there seem to be all sorts of activities on offer.
My GD1 has just finished a week-long theatre course and her mum and dad went to see their performance last night. GD2 is taking cookery lessons run by a lady who was a chef at a local very famous hotel. She did the first morning yesterday and loved every minute.
There are hundreds of free activities organised within our county taking place in schools etc, but there doesn't seem to be a single source of information about all that's on offer.
How are your school-age GCs enjoying the holidays?