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Do you tip at Christmas?

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    Do you tip at Christmas?

    Had this discussion with my neighbour yesterday.

    She purposely looks out for the refuge collectors to give them a tip whereas I don’t. This would entail standing by the window for a few hours in the hope to catch them as it were. I told her I tip my hairdresser , the man who delivers mine and OH’s medication from the pharmacy. (Tipped him yesterday) and the Tesco delivery man/woman .
    As with the refuge collectors the postman doesn’t get a tip because he/ she come between the hours of 10am to 3pm . I rarely see him/her .

    This conversation was started yesterday as there was a report on the radio that no one tips anymore.
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.

    I only tip the post man at Christmas. He is excellent throughout the year and if we are not in he knows where to put things to keep them safe. He has even in the past found a package by the front door left by couriers and and put the packages in the safe place and left a note. I do not tip the refuse workers because, in my opinion, they do not do a good enough job. They are never on time, they regularly leave the food bin unemptied and will root through the bin. If there is anything that is not supposed to be there some will just not take the bin and others will just chuck it on the pavement. Same with recycling collections and garden waste.

    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


      We used to but not now ,
      We don't have a regular Post man , bin men just come whatever time suits and are a surly lot even when you try to be pleasant ,
      Our pharmacy lady is off sick I have a card ready for her and some chocolates , I will give them to her when she's back .
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I only tip the window cleaner, if he comes anytime close to Christmas, which this year unless he comes very soon he wont be!

        I certainly don't tip the flippin' bin men who leave our bin blocking the drive so I can't drive in, or dangerously blocking the pavement!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          We tip the bin men if we see them - they're really good and take whatever you put out, and when so many people have rubbish rubbish collectors (see what I did there!) ours are gems. We always tip our milkman. We never see him - he delivers 3 times a week in the dead of night and so quietly he doesn't even disturb Eva. We'll also try and tip our lovely postie if he's on - sometimes we get different ones, but this one is great - he's even delivered Eva back to the house when he's found her wandering round our cul de sac! We don't tip the window cleaners but we always give them a cup of coffee and chocolate biscuits right through the year.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            I only tip the postman, like yours Zizi he puts a note through my door if he has left a parcel in the garage but he has been coming at all sorts of times recently so I haven't been able to catch him. I put a £5 in an envelope and taped it to my door yesterday but it was still there when I got back. If I don't catch him I will give it to him in the New Year.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Daisy I havent seen a milk float around here since the old lady across the road went in a home about three years ago. Neither have I seen a window cleaner. Old lady used to have one but when we asked for a quote it was sooo expensive we decided against it. Anyway our windows turn inside out as it were.
              If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                Postman found his tip, waved to me through the window and said thank you..
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Funnily enough OH was just talking about this. We used to tip the newspaper delivery boy/girl but OH goes out for the paper since we moved here as the papers were either delivered very late or not at all.

                  Don’t really see the bin men. There were a lot of complaints at one time as the bins were left all over the place but they are now roughly in the vicinity of our house though often blocking the drive. The window cleaners are well paid and go away at least twice a year for six week breaks (staying with family I think). We seem to have a different postman every day and they turn up any time before 3-4 pm.

                  I was amazed when I worked at the surgery. They got masses of “gifts” from patients but didn’t share even when the card said Dr Soandso and staff. Best offering came from a lady who made wonderful mince pies which melted in the mouth. One of the doctors wives made some dreadful ones which were hidden in the bin. He assumed they had all been eaten and arrived with another tin full!


                    In the “olden days” at work we would often receive gifts from sub-contractors and clients. At Christmas I would invariably come home with bottles of booze and chocolates. From the company we used to get a large turkey, goose,piece of beef, lamb or pork; bottle of spirits of our choice; Bottle of champagne and we would be taken out as a whole company all paid for and taxis paid to and from the venue and those who lived too far away would get put in a hotel. As well as team Christmas events which we all went on and often joined other teams as well.

                    Then the gifts from the company stopped and the sub-contractor/client gifts slowed down; then we had to pay a £25 contribution to the meal. Hotels had to be self funded. Company would pay the £25 and we had to make up the balance and in the last three years all Christmas meals have had to be entirely self funded. No bottles or even Christmas cards cross the threshold these days.......
                    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                      We only tip our newsagent. i fact she has just been to collect the paper money,
                      so she has got her tip.
                      Don't tip the post men/women, we can have 6 different ones a week.
                      As for the bin men,they aren't worth it.

                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        We used to tip the milkman and paper boy but don't have those now.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Interesting that the most negative comments are all about the bin men. Where did those cheerful chappies go?
                          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                            DD1 used to look out for the bin men so she could wave to them from the window! How times have changed!


                              I have just remembered I tip my reflexologist! I give her £5 each Christmas.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

