Those of you who have parents, in-laws, aunts, uncles or older friends, what do you buy them?
I only have my mum in that category. My auntie and I don't exchange gifts, although I sometimes take her a plant at Christmastime.
Mum can't read any more, due to her eyesight, doesn't like 'smellies' and bath stuff, and has several bottles of perfume she rarely uses.. She doesn't do any gardening any more.
She does like scented candles, so usually gets several of those at birthdays and Christmas. Audio books and DVDs are popular gifts for her. Chocolates, mini food hampers and slippers are also a good choice.
We used to buy her tickets for the theatre or a live streaming to a cinema. These were good as they gave her an outing to look forward to. Now, she doesn't seem to want to go to the theatres or cinemas. The exception being going to the carol service at York Minster. DD3 and her OH take mum each year. DD gives mum the tickets as her birthday present.
Last year I gave my mum a new electric blanket, which I think she liked.
I am browsing DVDs at the moment, hoping to find something she will like which we haven't already bought her!!

** Edited to say that she doesn't drink alcohol either. She never drunk much, but would have the odd glass of wine or port but doesn't now. So another potential gift crossed off!
I only have my mum in that category. My auntie and I don't exchange gifts, although I sometimes take her a plant at Christmastime.
Mum can't read any more, due to her eyesight, doesn't like 'smellies' and bath stuff, and has several bottles of perfume she rarely uses.. She doesn't do any gardening any more.
She does like scented candles, so usually gets several of those at birthdays and Christmas. Audio books and DVDs are popular gifts for her. Chocolates, mini food hampers and slippers are also a good choice.
We used to buy her tickets for the theatre or a live streaming to a cinema. These were good as they gave her an outing to look forward to. Now, she doesn't seem to want to go to the theatres or cinemas. The exception being going to the carol service at York Minster. DD3 and her OH take mum each year. DD gives mum the tickets as her birthday present.
Last year I gave my mum a new electric blanket, which I think she liked.
I am browsing DVDs at the moment, hoping to find something she will like which we haven't already bought her!!

** Edited to say that she doesn't drink alcohol either. She never drunk much, but would have the odd glass of wine or port but doesn't now. So another potential gift crossed off!